
What does 255 mean?

It's 200+50+5 and 28-1. This number is special because it is the biggest number that can fit into a byte

nested comments can go up to 255 as opposed to 6 right now.

(I misunderstood the parent's writing) .... I want to see it all ... Is there a way to cancel the upvote in the comment?

Yes, just click on the upvote again and your vote will be changed to 0 weight.

Edit: But what have you misunderstood? Upvoting the post does nothing with the comments. The comments what are count in this poll. For e.g. I UV the post to make it more visible, and will vote for the comments later (bookmarked).

Very good idea!

Love that one

Comment depth limit now causes frustration, annoyance, and make hard to follow threads with the 'mention workaround'. If there isn't any enormous drawback (I don't know about any), it's an easy decision for me. I would accept this.