
yeah, but this looks like a full wallet problem. they're only receiving steem for hours, but not sending out....

Ugh. I hope the world moves to using things like the BitShares DEX. These centralized systems with no communication are a real problem.

absolutely, and bitshares already works pretty good for smartassets. just not for steem...

My friend @joshuacoleman bought his first STEEM via BitShares but the moment he went to send it to his Steemit wallet, the OPEN.STEEM exchange was down. Guess there are issues all around, depending on the time, day, and alignment of some asteroid around Venus. :)

Edit: At least Open Ledger was open and communicating about the exchange issue they were working on and they got it resolved.

hehe, yeah. but should be fixed soon if we can link steem and bitshares via EOS

EOS, the mythic savior of us all...

I've drunk the Koolaid big time. I can't wait for it to come out. Kinda bummed the time I spent learning WREN seems wasted though, as I'll have to get back into C, it seems.

The Koolaid tastes so good though, I know it'll be worth it.

What was your issue?

I was stupid and put in the wrong memo.

ouch, well, I definitely did not do that. The steem wallet is down. Mother scratcher, I needed that transfer today.