The last week I witnessed 8times how Poloniex gets attacked and working with the site becomes impossible. So I made this quick fix, to help normal users have better chances against bots and scripts.
Imo, someone is shorting a raising coin and then DDos-ing the site, to get it to drop.
Anyway, what happens is, that the chart drops fast, everyone panics. The trollbox gets flooded. Angry people can't put their buy and sell orders.
A lot of margin traders betting in the wrong direction, can only watch how they are loosing everything and swear.
So what people do is open 5tabs, put an order, refresh them, put the order again and hope it gets registered.
Every tab, every refresh, generates a ton of requests to the server and lags it even more.
Meanwhile bots and special scripts designed to benefit from this lag, spam Poloniex api with requests.
All that leaves the simple trader no chance to get in and put his order. He has to wait never ending spinner, which doesn't even
have timeout and after waiting for a while, unable to click anywhere and repeat the order, all you can do is refresh the page.
After few minutes of refreshing tabs like mad, I just turned chrome developer console and removed the dimmer and spinner with CSS.
From there on. I could click the "Buy" button, without refreshing the whole page and reentering all order details.
You may think, that this will lag the server even more.
But every click generates only one request to the server, instead of making 200 when I refresh the page.
Imo. Poloniex should provide exactly the same mechanism to their site by default.
And mitigate request by applying throttle on the ordering api for both users and bots.
Not only blocking users with a dimmer and spinner.
So I have wrote this, which everyone can paste in the developer console when lag happens
$(document.head).append('<style>div.progressDiv {top: 5px!important;left: 600px!important;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);height: 40px!important;padding: 0px!important;} div.dimmer {display:none!important}</style>');
This is how it looks:
And this will not allow the site to cut you from interacting with it.
Keep in mind, that if you start spamming these buttons, Poloniex may ban you.
Also, note, that if you aren't trading with everything, clicking twice, can create two orders instead of one. Use that only in lag.
Personaly I use that to save myself the time to refresh and reenter everything in my order box.
If people support this post, I can write some more hot fixes.
This is what a DDOS attack looks like...pretty cool right? (except when you lose 10grand because of it or more...

Thanks for a great DIY! I'd love to see more fixes.
I highly recommend switching to Bittrex which works well - Poloniex is hopeless..
I'm with-ya SIFT 666
Hello my friend
Thanks for this post and the wonderful post
I really liked what I wrote in this post
The selection of the post is so lovely
Happy day to you and always
POLONIEX is a open air casino much like wall street.. use BITTREX!!!
Good Job on the fix.
great quick fix here, thank you -- and yet again proof of how putting Design first and Function second is killing the entire website.
Poloniex should be aware of this and get rid of too much CSS and/or core functionality crammed in proprietary Flash portions! Doing that is not a good idea for more reasons than just server load...