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RE: Paganism

in #polytheism9 years ago

Evidence of major wars and destruction goes back to the ancient world, that our new masters have attempted to cover up with the lies of science. Power and greed are an inescapable nature of humans. You have been greatly mislead if you think we can solve war with the idea of multiple gods. This world always had and always will have war, until the end of our time. And how ironic that the god of your many gods seeks to rule the world under a one world government. Sounds like progress to me.

This is of course is an endless debate.


No, the answer is simple: Gods aren't real, and war is less effective than working together.

This planet is small, but the universe is big. It's big enough for us all, and if we REALLY work together, we can perhaps colonize another planet, giving us access to HUGE amounts of resources, if given time to develop.

We just need to find a reason to see love in the world, instead of hate. We need to find reasons to work together, instead of killing each other. That's all there is to it.

Actually, humans are very much genetically predisposed towards love. Unlike Chimpanzees, we do not have fangs to use as weapons on each other. War has evolved only since ancient times - 6,000 years or so - as a way of surviving in large numbers (civilization) when humans over-run the available resources. Otherwise, in small groups, humans are genetically adapted to be cooperative. In most tribal societies, nobody eats until everyone eats. Women nurse each others babies, and collecting food is a cooperative behavior. War is an artifact of basically a few megalomaniacs who want to build empires and who use others blood to get it. Most people would rather help each other, due to our mirror neurons. Its the 5% of psychopaths that we need to watch. Who do you want to murder today?