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RE: Due to large Deposits and Withdrawals Bitconnect is having problems with Bitcoin Wallet. (The Excuses begin!)

in #ponzischeme7 years ago

Here are some potential things you may see before they "go dark" and run away with your money:

  1. They may offer to expedite assisting you for an extra fee
  2. They will say they are shutting down the website for much-needed updates to their website
  3. They will say their website has been hacked and need to restore the website

All the while, they are simply prepping to "clean house" and get rid of any evidence that traces back to them. During their website downtime, they will clean up all files related to their operations. They may come back for a bit longer to give you updates on their progress and to tell you everything is great, soon to be running at full steam ahead, but they are just buying more time to back up their bags.

A classic example is Gladiacoin, LOL!!!!! If you were to check out their website today, you'd find NOTHING! Website is GONE!!!!