
Oh yes, and that's why I find the possibility fascinating. Somewhere in the belly of the Internet, there's a movement called "archaeo-futurism" which imagines a future of high-tech feudalism.

The vision I sketched out is a benign kind of archaeo-futurism: a bracing lifestyle or rural self-sufficiency combined with earning a living through twenty-first-century cryptocurrency.

Ya have to laugh when some trendy calls you 'retrograde' six moths before enthusing about this brand-spanking-new thingie called cryptocurrency!

Yeah, I can see that future happening... Sort of reminds me of the last Star Trek series where "latinum" was the money, I keep waiting for that ICO lol!

How's this for a coincidence: I just finished reading a Steemit review of a Cory Doctorow book that explores this theme.

"Walkaway" by Cory Doctorow - A Science Fiction Book Review.

Doctorow's take is essentially "urban," but he's tapped into the spirit I outlined.