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RE: @fulltimegeek isn't happy with just killing a curation project like themadcurator off, he wants to kill off !popcorn too

in #popcornexpress6 years ago (edited)

akshully (and pardon the double reply) , i quit making suggestions long ago as im not part of the elite and i probably dont use the right words in the right order, dont wear the right shirts and i dont know the secret handshake and sign so my comments seem to be discarded by default

i'm still pro-ponent of both a tweetsized messenger system implemented in the U.I here which is more p2p than global and should only allow messages from services you allow to send (for instance "your subscription to pr0nbot has expired, you will no longer receive the daily milf"-vote)

which can be implemented by choice at U.I. level (again) does not need any alteration to the core and can make posts "hidden" by default (as in : not appearing on public feeds, where only people looking for it or having a use for it would navigate to) which means no public spam which means if it STILL gets downvoted its pretty much a personal thing but in essence as it wouldnt be in the proverbial pigeons faces chances are pretty good no one would give any amount of excrement but mostly , in the spirit of out of sight out of mind (which has proven to work when it comes to humans) the #invisible -tag

which is like five pages more than i intended to talk this week ... and therefor

bye :)


... i dont think it needs explanation but ->

since it is a services only messenger you would need your proverbial service to be registered with "the provider" - since it would require the client to actually allow (as everything is denied by default) said service to send messages it can hardly be spam and if they start popping out 10 msges a day said "provider" can lock them - which means ONLY service / system msges (including steemit itself which ofcourse can have a service enabled by default)
now : as its tweet-sized (i dont have the clout or resources for a server) any of the giants or the bapmat/aggro-collective could EASILY whip out a small server from the pocket change left on mondaymornings , it would just have to be implemented as a widget so steemit , busy and whatever can use it AND doesnt run on the blockchain meaning all those small transactions need no longer be onthere or in your wallet

and lots of advantages and now

im really back to retiring to my own universe here and there , which would work better with a steemprice at LTC / ETC levels (in my world thats $10 to $25) and ofcourse even better at BTC-levels

what's an ETH ? i heard about it ? its slow
and expensive, right ?