It's not censorship, but he is trying to do that. He targets comments instead of posts so you can't talk. Unless you are willing to upvote your comments to $5 you can never make them visible as he just comes back with another one of the 100 bots to bring them visible. Resulting in the ability to hide a users voice for 10 cents a day.
Smidge-tv was flagged due to spam and then flagged later due to harassment, threats, and posting libel.
I agree, I don’t think it’s censorship.. and I don’t even think it’s waste of VP as I think is should go back into the reward pool rather than voting some of the people he does (smidgetv) but it’s not censorship.. and I say that as someone who has been flagged more than 300 times this week.. it’s just @fulltimegeek being a dick and a bully. But that’s just my humble opinion.