Porn star announces she will stand against Putin in upcoming Russian elections

in #porn7 years ago

The woman vows to bring in the death penalty for sexual harassment in the wake of Weinstein scandal.


It seems that the Harvey Weinstein scandal has brought in a whole lot of changes worldwide. An ex-Russian porn star is the latest woman to announce that she will be standing against President Putin in next year’s presidential elections.

Elena Berkova, from Murmansk, in northwest Russia, who also stood for mayor of Sochi, poster a video on Instagram, talking about her plans.

The 32-year-old mum-of-two, who will become the fourth female candidate to run for office, said she would introduce the death penalty for sexual harassment because she was fed up with people like Harvey Weinstein.

The brunette also said that she would make it almost impossible for men to divorce, introduce sex education in schools and oddly enough, make it an offence to wear a skirt longer than 40cm.

According to her, she made the decision recently, because women are actively taking part in the presidential campaign.

Her campaign has been met with mixed reactions from her 639,000 followers.


In most of the west there are porn stars at the helm of the policy making, most are literally porn stars, others become porn stars to who pay more.
First ladies have no less influence over their men, even when not married..

i don't how they get the ticket to be on such high public responsibility position.

Wonder what would the reaction of the Orthodox church in Russia be about this?!

me too after reading this thinking that what's gona happen in future in Russia