Hot blonde teen Paris is a waif of a porn starlet with a hot body and sex on the brain, enjoy!
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Hi There, everything I post is legal, not stolen, or plagiarized. I have full permission to post the owner's of the pics through an affiliate member agreement. I can give details upon formal request. At times, you will even see my own adult material as I am a director and producer. I also own three tube sites so you will see legal advertisement for them and I hope you will visit them as all the videos are free to watch and download. Thanks for looking at my posts. Peace!
More on what? You did share all the important parts!
😂She's a beauty... when she leaves her present agent, we are going to hire her again
Sure, sure. Tube sites are very profitable!
Yes, I have tube sites but also have a xxx production company too LOL!
Shot Paris White in 2019 when she came to visit our set while we were shooting Serene Siren, both gorgeous girls/ladies!