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RE: Portfolio update: week 14 2018

Cannot really relate that NEO is struggling from the ONT Hype. Do you mean that people just bougth NEO to get some ONT airdrop and that they are now waiting to sell ONT with a profit and them investing again into NEO?
Could not put it out that KCS had green figures. I do know your viewpoint on the ROI aspect of it. I just hope that by selling half my KCS I will have the other half for free and from then on, it will just have a great ROI :) Average book price of KCS in my portfolio is 4,21 euro. So, if it can climb back to 9, half of them will be sold and cashed out. O man, dreams!!!!


Most of people that I know have sold NEO to buy ONT with logic that they have similar usability and team behind and ONT is better. That is not true but hype is hype... I had info but I have missed rise...

I did get some ont by holding Neo!
We will have to wait how the complete market evolves! At the moment everything is still tangled with bitcoin!

In the morning we will know if we have won at Golf niche auction...

Curious about it!

Congratulations for becoming Golf niche moderator :)

Looking forward to it!
Let's rock!

Agree. My time frame is at least 5 years to market becomes less volatile and less dependent from Bitcoin...