Let's use portraitcontest as an escape from winther )
These are my farmer friends building a dome.
Btw I wasn't taking pictures only, I helped too)
Let's use portraitcontest as an escape from winther )
These are my farmer friends building a dome.
Btw I wasn't taking pictures only, I helped too)
Well done, to build something from scratch truly gives a sense of a creator no matter how big or small the "something" is truly great!!!
Awesome building!
Cool, I love round shaped building.
If I ever would have had the funds for it I would have build a round house :)
Not complaining since the one I rent is very nice too :)
Nothing more rewarding then building something with your own hands :)
May I ask what it is going to be used for ?
They have built several, one for campfire place, one for children playground.
This small one is for vaporarium.
That is great I would love one for campfires :)
It is so nice to sit around one on a summer evening.
I am not sure what a vaporarium is, my first guess would be a Sauna ? :)
Sauna it is )
There's a river just 30 metres to the right so it's almost an aquapark )
Geodesic domes are always cool!!! But made out of wood? That's super awesome.
Looks like a big but great project !

Show us more when it's done will you?
And thank You for upvoting me a lot, you often making my day! :-)
Great work! 😊 Keep going!!
Great working
Good luck with your work! :)
Nice work, nice photo. You guys are the Noah of our time.... Lol
Привет. Это баня на дневке? Непохоже, с собой рейки в поход и на сплав не берут же.
Это стационарная баня, просто в процессе постройки)
А, теперь понятно) Много раз сплавлялся по рекам. Нечто похожее мы сооружали на дневках. Называли водяной баней.
а для чего это они такое строят?
Конкретно на фото - это баня)
А так еще есть игровая площадка для детей, есть место для посиделок у костра.
В хозяйстве всегда найдется способ, как использовать лишний навес )
крутые! рукастые дядьки, молодцы!
и сколько сэкономили..мы тоже домой шкафчики, стулья делали - экономия огого
Hi @svamiva ! What is this dome built for...?
That's a sauna under construction)