
A beautiful paradise this island is that's for sure :)

As I am standing outside waiting for my train in the cold it looks like paradise to me

Oh..damn is it still cold over there i couldn't handle one day of it anymore i am to much of a tropical boy :)

I spend three years living in Singapore, and a few Years in the Middle East without these harsh winters ( that said ours is mild compared to so many others ) but the novelty of winter has worn off for me I would much rather be somewhere tropical :)

Is what happen to me been living in Thailand for the past nine years and the novelty has worn of with them cold days i when home back to Australia a couple times in winter and that's with no snow in Sydney and i couldn't wait to get out of there back to the warmth i would die over there with the snow...i would become a frozen :)

LOL One does adjust, but the problem here is the roller coaster of temps, 60 F one day 20 the next your body just gets so confused with all the changes

Yes this is it and this is how Sydney has got it makes people more sick that doesn't happen here in Thailand drops a couple degrees here and there but pretty consistent :)