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RE: Islam and His Wife, in Their 1-Room Home … Gurugram, India – Portrait Photography

A lot of immigrants from Villages come to the city so that they can earn more and live a better life. They tend to forget that life in the villages is much more comfortable and less expensive.

In order to fulfill their dreams of living a better lifestyle they lose their freedom and work for meager wages. Living in villages is far more better eventhough there is less technology and civilization, reason being its the natural way to live life and it is the most healthy way as well .

Most of these immigrants leave their family traditional way of earning of farming and work in the cities with less peace and money, but more ambition and goals, which makes them work extra hours. They live in very small houses which is very uncomfortable and sad to see.

I believe they should get educated in farming and reap rewards for the best occupation in the world ...Farming. Do let me know if you feel otherwise or if "Islam" was living a worthwhile life in Gurugram ?


Apart from the money, Islam had no reason to live in Gurgaon, and that's why he and his family returned home. Of course, he earned a little bit more money in Gurgaon, but the cost of living in Gurgaon is much higher than that in his hometown.

As for farming, I agreed it's a great occupation and one that is necessary (even though I came from a rural community in Canada, and was glad to escape it. ☺ )

Unfortunately, the big agri-biz / seed / fertilizer companies have had a deleterious effect on farmers in India, to such an extent that many farmers can hardly make a living for themselves and their families.

(And just recently, I've heard there's a similar horrible trend in the US. Sad)

The state of farmers is very bad. However I believe this is happening because they are not educated. If they get proper guidance and if our governments are not corrupt they will do really good. What the politicians are forgetting here is if the farmers fade away, we will have no food to consume :(