Kebahagiaan Mereka [Their Happiness]

in #portraitphotography7 years ago (edited)


Kebahagiaan Mereka

Pertama kali bermain di wahana waterboom, bersama teman-teman sekolah, tertawa, senang dan sedikit takut dengan air, namun tetap terlihat betapa bahagianya mereka [Sadiya bersama temannya]


Their Happiness

First time playing in the waterboom rides, with school friends, laughing, happy and a little scared with the water, but still look how happy they are [Sadiya with his friend]

I took this photo with my smartphone Xiaomi Redmi 3S [No Edit]

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Kebahagiaan yang sangat luar biasa dengan bermain..

Paduan garis, warna dan ekspresi...
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