introducing "cold showers" into your life is something that you can do that can also support and provide you with an "invigorating" experience.
there's lots of youtube vids ...peoples vlogs how it's transformed their lives...
By deliberately facing your resistance head on first thing in the day (the cold is a natural conditioned resistance we humans have created over time increasingly so with our mostly temperature controlled environments)...You invigorate your very vitality -
This one is a serious life hack - it's crazy just how effective this is in supporting....stimulating...motivating....and creating serious momentum in your best living...
@worldclassplayer did a 21 day series about it.
all the best :)
I will check that out as well, I have also been suggested during the day slamming a glass of ice cold water I imagine it is about the same effect.
I did you suggestion today started with a word of the day in my own laugh at myself style, it was fairly helpful so thanks again for that.
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