Unfortunately we see it every day, and after a point of time we DON'T see it. It is wonderful that you took time out to visit the family.
Strangely, a lot of these poor people don't want your money. They are actually the people who NEED it. But they rather earn they living the hard way, and are not looking for hand outs.
On the other hand if you give them time and respect, they value that a lot. Because that is something not everyone gives.
Yes, great point. One thing I realized over my 4 years there is that the ones who cannot see the inequality are the upper-caste people. I guess they are so accustomed to "the way things are" that they cannot see reality for what it really is.
And, to a great extent, the downtrodden do not even realize they are downtrodden.
Very sad.
The upper castes are not 'blind' to the situation. It works to their advantage to keep the status quo. If the downtrodden move up in life then they will be competing with the upper castes for education, jobs and in every sphere in life. Not something they want. Of course, I am generalising here!
Again, thanks to the local culture and religion. One's birth is accepted. If you are poor and deprived it is because you 'deserve' to it, thanks to your actions in some previous life. People are so thoroughly brainwashed into believing that the caste structure is gospel truth.