Neo Nazi Rallies Show That We Have To Protect Ourselves | Support this petition. Subscribe and spread!

in #portugal6 years ago


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Olá, venho através do Steemit partilhar uma petição que considero urgente e de vital importância. Peço a todos os que estejam contra a conferência Neonazi do dia 10 de agosto em Lisboa para assinarem esta petição. Segue o link onde podem encontrar toda a info e assinar:

Contra a conferência Neonazi do dia 10 de Agosto em Lisboa

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Against the Neonazi conference on August 10 in Lisbon

I just signed a petition against a holding, on 10 August, in Lisbon, of a meeting of European far-right organizations, some admittedly of fascist and neo-Nazi ideology, motivated the convening of a protest demonstration for the same day and place ahead. From national and international organizations.

"The organizers of this protest also call for political parties to take a clear stance on this violation of our Constitution, history, and memory. We want them to identify the measures they intend to take to ensure that this type of event cannot be replicated and to schedule a meeting with our political entourage. We intend to prohibit this conference and any neo-nazi event in the Portuguese territory.

We also call for the mobilization of all citizens, parties, unions, movements, and organizations so that on 10 August 2019 the Portuguese people leave a clear message to the European neo-Nazis.

“In a country that has lived under a dictatorial regime and which has in its Constitution article 46, paragraphs 1 and 4, which explicitly prohibits racist organizations or those who favor fascist ideology or promote violence, it is difficult to realize that this type of events can happen, ”underlines the manifesto sent this Tuesday to newsrooms.

The presence and activity of terrorist and neo-Nazi groups such as Blood and Honor, Hammerskin or the New Social Order have already been signaled by Europol and SIS. We cannot, nor will we, accept the normalization of this hate speech and the attacks of which these groups are authoring, allowing their free action and thus compromising the safety of our sons and daughters, our friends!

We cannot accept that such an event will happen without a reaction from those who are ready to defend our democracy, and the freedom we have gained with it!

In Portugal, neo-nazis are not welcome !! Fascism never again !!

Legal base :

We have also added to this petition the information that a manifesto (published in the description of the event of the National Antifascist Mobilization) is being shared and has already allowed to collect 28 national signatures, 37 international signatures.

List of supporters, updated:

Nationals (28):

A.Desassociada; A Habita! - Associação pelo Direito à Habitação e à Cidade; Assembleia Feminista de Lisboa; Assembleia Feminista de Coimbra; Ativismo em Foco; Brigadas Alcindo Monteiro; Coordenadora Antifascista Portugal; Esquerda Revolucionaria - A Centelha; FIBRA - Frente de Imigrantes Brasileiros Antifascistas; FlashBack - Observatório Antifascista; Frente Unitária Antifascista; Men Talks; Mina/suspension; Movimento Alternativa Socialista; Núcleo Antifascista de Braga; Núcleo Antifascista da Feira; Núcleo Antifascista do Porto; Plataforma Antifascista de Coimbra; Por Todas Nós - Movimento Feminista; Portogay; Queers Tropical; SOS Racismo; STOP Despejo; STOP Suicídio; STCC - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Call-Center; UMAR - União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta; Unir Povos; Tropicaustica.

Internationals (37):

Action Antifasciste Liégeoise; ADAF - Antifascist Direct Action (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Alternative Internacional Movement - FR and international sections; The Plums of the Ría (Feminist and lgbtqi direct action of Vigo, Galicia); Global Anti-Alienation; Antifa Bulgaria; Antifa International; Antifa Kids-Club Rote Strolche; Antifa Network - Europe; Portland Antifa; Antifa Squads; Apologia - Galician proletarian hardcore band; Collective Direct Action São Paulo; Coringão Antifa Collective; Tricolor Collective Antifa (Brazil); Antifascist Coordinator Vigo-Pontevedra; CSA to Cova Dos Ratos; Dywizjon 161 (United Kingdom); L.S. Spark (Galicia); Eugene Antifa; Special Online Communist Interactive Force- FOICE Project; Genève Multiculturelle - Genève Antifasciste; Antifascist Guild (RS - Brazil); IWW - Industrial Workers of the World; Jeune Garde Montréal; Youth for Democracy - São Paulo (Brazil); Antifa Movement MT (Mato Grosso - Brazil); Coralinas Movement, Pernambuco (BR); MTST - Homeless Workers Movement; Antifascist Platform (Brazil); PCB - Brazilian Communist Party; Antifascist Portuguese (São Paulo - Brazil); RASH CE (Ceará); Revolutionary Front - England; Rose City Antifa; Antifaxist Sare (Euskal Herria - Basque Country); SHARP Montreal."


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