Let's remove cows from our lives

in #posh5 years ago

Let's remove cows from our lives

Let’s remove the cows out of our lives, maybe in principle you don’t understand what I mean.
But I speak of the simple fact of eliminating from your life excuses, justifications, pretexts, lies, apologies, evasions and/or escapes, false beliefs, limitations and fears... Not to others but to ourselves.

If you read from Dr. Camilo Cruz editions like "La Vaca", or "La culpa es de la vaca" in all his presentations, I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean. That is why I invite you here. I think you would not regret putting into practice such thoughtful reading. I take this opportunity to give you at least one idea of how to get rid of our cows.


1st Step: IDENTIFY YOUR COW. Remember first what we mean by "Cows". If you want to understand why he calls you Vaca, I really recommend you read Dr. Camilo Cruz’s Book.


3rd Step: MAKE A LIST OF ALL THE NEGATIVE THINGS THAT THE PRESENCE OF THESE COWS REPRESENT YOU. You wouldn’t believe what I’ve gotten up to now by making this list. The things I’ve been deprived of, what I’ve stopped doing for one cow or another. The opportunities I have missed, the irrational fears. How right is everything that Mr. Camilo expresses in the text.

Step 4: MAKE A LIST OF POSITIVE RESULTS THAT WILL COME AS A RESULT OF KILLING A COW. I have idealized so many things that I think I can develop once I finish with my cows, the adventures I want to live…

Step 5: DEFINE NEW BEHAVIOR PATTERNS. Let us be clear that we will always be living with cows in our lives, but the more we work to channel them, the easier it will be to achieve the success of our destiny.

The whole thing is a process. Of course it takes time to reach it, but seeing that with quarantine we have plenty of free time, why not use it to cleanse our lives of all the cows in it, or at least be able to identify them and work on them… ACTION is what is necessary to achieve the objective.

Finally I leave you three key pieces to achieve the identification and extermination of cows in your life:
