My 2020 A normal day | A life of an Environmental conservationist.

in #posh5 years ago (edited)

Good morning great people of steem blockchain community!

My name is Engr. Edidiong Cyril, married with two children. I love my wife and children and I love God! I am a Nigerian on earth, a citizen of Heaven by redemption, resident in AKWA IBOM STATE, Uyo local government precisely. I belong to the community of goodly men!

Morning Devotion.

I woke up early in the morning at 3am and had a personal quite.

Family devotion.

By 5am, everyone in my house were fully awake and ready at the family prayer alter. Everyone had a Prayer season which they took. By 6.00am we started out for the day's activities.

House Chores.

As the man of the house, I had to make the house chores less and easy for my wife by sweeping the house and boiling water for everyone to bath.


It was an exciting moment for my wife as she was swept off her foot when I told her I was to cook her favorite meal Adesi Isip!(coconut rice) On that note, i took turn to enter the kitchen and make food for the family. I decided to make adesi isip ( Coconut Rice).

After cooking the rice, I discovered that the quantity is more than the coconut, so I decided to take some part to make fried rice.

fried rice with chicken protein.

Cooking the Coconut Rice

I started by breaking the isip (Coconut) and grating it with a hand grater. After that, Filtered out the coconut water from the grated particles. Before now I had paboiled White rice with which I used the isip water to cook.i added to it salt, Maggie, crayfish, dried fresh fish, pepper, onoin, uyakyak(Nigerian local spice) as condiments, and food is done!

Grating the Coconut for the Rice.

The coconut rice

Going to Work

This is the road that passes my house as I live in a close

The road that lead to my office

At Work

By 8.00am i was already in the office to make the call plan for the day which included site visit.

Site Visit

I made a site visit to Akpan Andem market to see their waste handling and management practices. Here is an uncontrolled municipal waste dump site with all class of wasted.

Uncontrolled waste collection dump site

People dumping waste at uncontrolled waste dump site.

steem blockchain

Visited gracefield blockchain hub and spent 2 hours with @uyobong to take some tutorials on steem blockchain (since am new to the community).

After work

Today being Wednesday is a day i go home early as it's always devoid of church activity and meetings.

When I get back home, I will freshen up and play with the children and gist with my wife about the day's activities.

My gratitude @anomadsoul for the contest.

Still your friend and brother


Thank you for stopping by on my block. I love you!

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I would love to teach anyone that is interested in learning how to cook Adesi Isip free of charge.

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 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

The Bible has mentioned that

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