OCD POSH Curation Compilation #714

in #posh3 years ago
Authored by @ybanezkim26

OCD POSH Curation Report #714

Hello everyone! This is the 714th compilation post of OCD POSH Curation initiative. This compilation post is the start of the new scheme that aims to improve how PoSH is done. In a nutshell, PoSH is about sharing content mainly on Twitter and our aim is to incentivize that. The old scheme was good because we have reached 634 compilations, but it defeats the purpose of "giving and receiving" because no one cares about others' posts anymore. The end goal was to receive an OCD upvote by sharing one's post on Twitter. This new scheme hopefully brings back the concept of "giving and receiving".

With this new scheme, you can no longer share your posh links on #twitter-posh channel. Instead, you are incentivized to share others' posts to Twitter and then share the posh comment (containing your Twitter share) on the post to the daily compilation posts like this one. For more information, you can thoroughly scrutinize the following posts:

Here are the posh comments curated:

PoSH Sharer: @afterglow
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-120586/@poshtoken/re-a-alice-series-food-539-crispy-chicken-feet-salad-1325
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525116890343165952?s=20&t=9w0WMOjC57rba6x3hBE5bw twitter metadata:YXRoYW5fYWxiZXJ0b3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9hdGhhbl9hbGJlcnRvL3N0YXR1cy8xNTI1MTE2ODkwMzQzMTY1OTUyfA== ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #Foodies, #Foodie, #Food, #Recipe, #Cooking, #Dish

PoSH Sharer: @storiesoferne
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-148441/@poshtoken/re-nuthman-renting-a-farmhouse-ludlow-uk-1085
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525150190369316865?s=20&t=BvWERB24yxAqycrcHlgn-Q twitter metadata:c3Rvcmllc29mZXJuZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9zdG9yaWVzb2Zlcm5lL3N0YXR1cy8xNTI1MTUwMTkwMzY5MzE2ODY1fA== ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #farmhouse, #environment, #countryside

PoSH Sharer: @bighungrypanda
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-194913/@poshtoken/re-shamab25-welcome-to-the-udida-muhurat-of-abhisabramyabharos12648
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525133200003018755?s=20&t=ozVFYjsrKW0xmfC3bla9_g twitter metadata:YmlnaHVuZ3J5cGFuZGF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vYmlnaHVuZ3J5cGFuZGEvc3RhdHVzLzE1MjUxMzMyMDAwMDMwMTg3NTV8 ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #indianweddings, #photography, #photofeed, #traditions, #loveisintheair

PoSH Sharer: @ifarmgirl
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-123046/@poshtoken/re-tengolotodo-friday-fun-a-munchie-box14603
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525150583367159808?s=20&t=NXn8X4YlF2e2ShqnZjS9Lw twitter metadata:ZmFybWdpcmxib3NzfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2Zhcm1naXJsYm9zcy9zdGF0dXMvMTUyNTE1MDU4MzM2NzE1OTgwOHw= ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #food, #thoughts, #foodie, #thoughtfulpost

PoSH Sharer: @wilfredocav
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-178708/@poshtoken/re-arkicarls-design-musings-2-on-culture-preservation12836
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525150824476950529?s=20&t=E8Open8xZlqD1ZnP3aUqKQ twitter metadata:d2lsZnJlZG9jYXZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vd2lsZnJlZG9jYXYvc3RhdHVzLzE1MjUxNTA4MjQ0NzY5NTA1Mjl8 ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #photography, #Review

PoSH Sharer: @marysenpai
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-108943/@poshtoken/re-stypaternina-heufvlus15121
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525156274484150274?s=20&t=sHdfUm3UpE9Tvoh3qKqkjQ twitter metadata:Ym9rZW1hcnlzZW5wYWl8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vYm9rZW1hcnlzZW5wYWkvc3RhdHVzLzE1MjUxNTYyNzQ0ODQxNTAyNzR8 ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #fitness, #workoutmotivation, #training, #sports

PoSH Sharer: @derppunk
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-130560/@poshtoken/re-mariajcastro28-hermoso-roseton-de-cartulina-decorado-1727
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525159007689785350?s=20&t=mGMoIlzZrvgtef4Pbgjo9Q twitter metadata:ZGVycHB1bmsxOXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9kZXJwcHVuazE5L3N0YXR1cy8xNTI1MTU5MDA3Njg5Nzg1MzUwfA== ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #Tutorial, #Creative, #Crafts, #DIY

PoSH Sharer: @cetb2008
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-120586/@poshtoken/re-yiobri-esp-eng-flan-de-coco-coconut-flan-6100
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525190173822226434?s=20&t=1wmkVXi44Q_l987KEHh0gw twitter metadata:Y2JpdF9yb3hhbmFfbWRofHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2NiaXRfcm94YW5hX21kaC9zdGF0dXMvMTUyNTE5MDE3MzgyMjIyNjQzNHw= ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #food, #recipe, #sweet, #dessert

PoSH Sharer: @xoxois
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-194913/@poshtoken/re-darrenflinders-the-500-year-old-hall-1868
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525206832993603584?s=20&t=mYK8-aApFyYDzAohYjrQLQ twitter metadata:dGhleWNhbGxtZXhvaXN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vdGhleWNhbGxtZXhvaXMvc3RhdHVzLzE1MjUyMDY4MzI5OTM2MDM1ODR8 ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #Building, #PhotographyIsArt, #architecture, #photography

PoSH Sharer: @mercmarg
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-186119/@poshtoken/re-acont-la-existencia-de-las-cosas-y-las-palabras-reflexio15588
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525226806344880130?s=20&t=BJuRl8e_FFr_Jd5ymDx0sw twitter metadata:TWVyY2VkZXNNYXJnYXJpfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL01lcmNlZGVzTWFyZ2FyaS9zdGF0dXMvMTUyNTIyNjgwNjM0NDg4MDEzMHw= ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #reflection, #analysis, #critique

PoSH Sharer: @mavis16
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-127911/@poshtoken/re-gabimramirez-panty-corte-alto-senorial-oror-stately-high-cut-pa-1305
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525276407936466950?s=20&t=MxwyD2KGw_X7pTFLVbNWTg twitter metadata:TWF2aXMxNjZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vTWF2aXMxNjYvc3RhdHVzLzE1MjUyNzY0MDc5MzY0NjY5NTB8 ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #diy, #tutorial, #needle, #handmade

PoSH Sharer: @gabimramirez
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-120586/@poshtoken/re-jennyzer-galletas-crocantes-de-avena-oror-crunchy-oatmeal-c-2034
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525270698440200194?s=20&t=dykEqTGZxK1BnpQ9moPXdQ twitter metadata:Z2FiaW1yYW1pcmV6MjV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vZ2FiaW1yYW1pcmV6MjUvc3RhdHVzLzE1MjUyNzA2OTg0NDAyMDAxOTR8 ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #food, #snack, #recipe, #Foodie

PoSH Sharer: @jennyzer
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-120586/@poshtoken/re-genice-refrescante-mouse-de-mangorefrescante-mouse-de-man17340
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525283069220925441?s=20&t=dit2cJ67wTFkjOiCo8nHXQ twitter metadata:SmVubnlfWmVycGF8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSmVubnlfWmVycGEvc3RhdHVzLzE1MjUyODMwNjkyMjA5MjU0NDF8 ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #dessert, #RecipeOfTheDay, #snacks

PoSH Sharer: @soychalbed
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-131951/@poshtoken/re-hexagono6-rain-magical-rain-5934
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525273335042547713?s=20&t=RnTlDp7XiGphzHumFpIfFw twitter metadata:aGV4YWdvbm9fNnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9oZXhhZ29ub182L3N0YXR1cy8xNTI1MjczMzM1MDQyNTQ3NzEzfA== ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #Contest, #Lluvia, #Rain, #life

PoSH Sharer: @helengutier2
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-110372/@poshtoken/re-nestorgarcia-patience-and-faith-as-a-guide-eses-1163
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525298323741192192?s=20&t=BssILmhDpQfZIJS1sdaX_w twitter metadata:SGVsZW5ndXRpZXIxfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0hlbGVuZ3V0aWVyMS9zdGF0dXMvMTUyNTI5ODMyMzc0MTE5MjE5Mnw= ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #lifestyle

PoSH Sharer: @kawsar8035
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-120586/@poshtoken/re-mariaser-espeng-cooking-a-delicious-cojinoa-fried-fish-acco-4761
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525303329999720448?s=20&t=zIS8k67rfozudQXiREkf8A twitter metadata:S2F3c2FyaGFzYW58fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vS2F3c2FyaGFzYW4vc3RhdHVzLzE1MjUzMDMzMjk5OTk3MjA0NDh8 ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #delicious, #fried, #fish, #vegetable, #food, #foodie, #content

PoSH Sharer: @mariale07
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/@poshtoken/re-miriam11-pobphotocontest-new-round-night-engesp-1237
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525318331141595136?s=20&t=PFLrRBmU9Qq8c8rUadHaLQ twitter metadata:TWFyYU1vbnpvbjE0fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL01hcmFNb256b24xNC9zdGF0dXMvMTUyNTMxODMzMTE0MTU5NTEzNnw= ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #photography, #night, #photo

PoSH Sharer: @carminasalazarte
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-193816/@poshtoken/re-wilfredocav-alice-in-chains-mtv-unplugged-review-engesp-4635
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525378668528340993?s=20&t=u_ytOeejRW6zrWSZi4prPg twitter metadata:Q2FybWluYV9TYWxhemFyfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0Nhcm1pbmFfU2FsYXphci9zdGF0dXMvMTUyNTM3ODY2ODUyODM0MDk5M3w= ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #review, #unplugged, #aliceinchains

PoSH Sharer: @jlinaresp
PoSH Comment Link: https://peakd.com/hive-142159/@poshtoken/re-lightcaptured-changing-the-point-of-view-1097
POSH Link:
~~~ embed:1525422281589129216?s=20&t=a2_yQWd5bNUVlBH2xa2o4A twitter metadata:amFscDIxfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2phbHAyMS9zdGF0dXMvMTUyNTQyMjI4MTU4OTEyOTIxNnw= ~~~
Relevant Tag(s): #blackandwhite, #blackandwhitephotography, #photogrphy, #art, #creativity

Here are the posts curated:

Author: @shamab25
Post Link: Welcome to the Udida Muhurat of #AbhiSabRamyaBharose! 💞✨

Author: @yiobri
Post Link: [ESP-ENG] 🍮 ¡Flan de Coco! / Coconut Flan! 🍮

Author: @darrenflinders
Post Link: The 500 Year Old Hall

Suggestion: Use English tags.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and show these great Hivers your support.

PoSH Guide and Curation Criteria:

1. Share someone's post on twitter (can't be your own).
2. Make sure that tag usage is appropriate on Twitter, not only $/#hive but also other relevant tags to the content.
3. When @poshtoken leaves a comment under the post you shared, you copy the link to that comment.
4. Paste the comment link under the latest POSH Curation Compilation posts of @ocd (like this one).
5. Make sure the post you're sharing that you want possible curation on is not older than 6 hours to give us time to curate it. If it's older than 24 hours we will probably skip it but your comment may still get a vote if it was tweeted properly. (Your comment being the @poshtoken comment with your tweet, as it will send you the rewards after 7 days - but don't selfvote these).
6. From now on, hashtags are not enough. You should add in your tweet some descriptions why you're sharing a particular post.
7. We will only upvote one (1) posh link per user per day.

Did you know that sharing your posts to Twitter will not only give you a chance of POSH curation but also let you earn some PoSH tokens? The number of tokens earned will be proportional to the engagements of your Twitter link (likes and retweets). While the PoSH token has no value yet, plans about the token have been shared by this post. You can find more about the token on the website, as well as information on how many others are registered and are sharing Hive links daily. Instructions on how to register can also be found on the website. Supplemental information about the registration can be found in this post. If you encounter difficulties during registration, you can always message in OCD's Discord channel.

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

You can vote for @ocd-witness, with HiveSigner or on Hive Witnesses.

@ocdb supports community curation!
You can delegate to @ocdb for daily liquid hive returns from curation rewards.

Join our Discord channel for more information.


I recommend this post, where we can appreciate a gameplay of the game Naruto: Ninja Council 2, appreciating the best of retrogames.


Recommended post, where the user shows a video as part of a tour of Recoleta - Argentina, and photographs of its majestic architectural buildings.


Photographs by @dimascastillo90


Flowers and insects beautifully captured through an almost mythical Helios 44-2 Lens... spontaneous and simple poetry, born in enchanting images... Excellent work!



Hi. This link is incomplete.

Thank you for telling him. Can I send another. When it happens like this again

Glad to see good posts. A very worthy job! cool! Have a nice day 😊