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RE: Posh Stats For 2023-02-20

in #posh2 years ago

Damn....I'm feeling some love for my "shitpost" here. To be honest I was as surprised as you to see that I had topped this list. @fermionico you can always tag me or ask me about anything if you don't understand, instead of lashing out here like an overgrown child. I am an honest guy and I'm going to save everyone some time and simply explain what happened here.

I am a big fan of all things technology including crypto. About 2 weeks ago I saw an interesting account on Twitter that rewards Twitter users with cryptocurrencies for retweeting posts.

The Twitter account is called @Hey_wallet and it is a bot that relies on commands given sent from Twitter users. Hey Wallet users are able to generate a Solona-based hot wallet that is then attached to their Twitter handle allowing them to send and receive currencies from Solana's ecosystem. Links to the website and Twitter account are below

Technically I am running a limited giveaway giving away crypto for users to retweet my post for Hive. Hey Wallet simply rewards immediately and seems to have massive interactions quickly if you offer enough in your giveaway. I specifically created my simple "Shitpost" to use the program to promote #Hive


However, I had no idea that it would do this to the rewards portion of this program and I can see how this would have issues for users who don't understand how to use something like this. I certainly like the Hive community and do not want to do anything that would compromise the integrity of POSH.

I freely offer to return my rewards here and I will not use Hey Wallet in the future to promote #HIVE but I do believe this is something you guys should look into. As technology progresses the Hive community will need to adapt to continue to grow.

For example,

What makes my giveaway less valid because it was done through a faster medium?

Should you even be able to use giveaways to promote #HIVE?

This will inevitably produce differences in reactions to tweets. If you can afford to do giveaways you will get more interactions and reach. Giveaways are generally considered marketing costs for companies to generate hype and increased their user base. If the Hive community wishes to grow we should be happy that the community is willing to invest money to promote various projects. The more users we can bring in the more we all win, it is not about fighting for Posh Pennies here.

To be honest, if you guys at #POSH are against people promoting #HIVE via giveaways or bots you are kinda against helping the whole community at the expense of preserving what seems to be an antiquated system here.

I am open to your feedback here. I could easily be missing something but it doesn't really make sense to try and stop someone from participating in a promotional program because they spend money to gain more reach. From a promoter's standpoint its a win, from someone simply trying to preserve a rewards system though....


You should have done more research on what #Posh is all about, because it's a token pool that is distributed among those who promote content links on #Hive. Receiving 100 retweets affects the reward pool...Humans cannot compete with bots...simple.

Thanks for explain.

Regardless though I think you missed my point, 100 retweets should be rewarded. The POSH system rewards interactions because that is the goal of the program. If POSH is just maintained for a rewards pool that does not allow for mass-paid media promotion then it's not actually fully achieving its stated goal.

If anyone paid to have their Twitter post run on any variety of sites to gain more traction this would be great for HIVE overall, yet here we are discussing why that's bad because it hurts POSH's pool numbers.

Very soon other companies and blockchain programs will utilize these programs similar to Hey Wallet to generate interaction. If POSH is going to grow and continue to reward properly for the promotion of #HIVE it will need to adapt its rule set.

To be honest I'm excited about using new technology to promote this ecosystem. I see no reason to not adapt. How much more would POSH be worth if more users bought into the token? You are missing the big picture here and focusing only on what is in front of you

I will only say that the future will talk about whether it is fair to make humans compete with bots...just that.

It's not a matter of competition though. It's a matter of understanding how to use new tools.

I certainly don't mind being taken out of the rewards pool here. I really think it is a mistake to not use technology to bring more people into a technology-based site

It's just a shame that I won't be able to use the system designed to reward #HIVE promotion because I'm using Blockchain technology....

I certainly don't mind being taken out of the rewards pool here. I really think it is a mistake to not use technology to bring more people into a technology-based site

If anyone paid to have their Twitter post run on any variety of sites to gain more traction this would be great for HIVE overall, yet here we are discussing why that's bad because it hurts POSH's pool numbers.

That's not the same as using some of these "bot services" that most of the time do generate numbers but the value behind them is close to worthless. You can easily tell that even though your tweet got 500+ "views" the peakd post is stuck under 20.

I think I made myself clear in my previous comment why we strive to reward genuine reach, if a tweet gets embedded onto many other websites/articles/platforms it most likely means the likes and retweets were somewhat genuine, you weren't paying for the likes and retweets, you were paying for the visibility of the tweets and the link within, most of those other services don't provide that.

We strive for genuine growth and engagement with POSH, similar to Hive in general. Services such as hey wallet or cashrain will either bring bots that people set up to milk those tiny rewards with hundreds of accounts or users that will spam like /retweet anything for a fraction of a cent most of the time. We don't think that attention to tweets with Hive links through these methods looks good on Hive, we want them to get there on their own merit and users to grow their attention and reach through proper use of tags, tagging and a genuine follower base.

Either way, we realize that this can't always be helped by the sharer, someone can for instance cashrain your POSH'd tweet without you knowing, hence we can disable certain tweets from earning any POSH before we ban a user if they purposefully ignore our warnings and keep doing these things we don't like to see rewarded.

We should however come up with a solution where a user can purposefully be ignored by POSH without having to unlink their account for tweets they want to use promotion bots on etc which has a Hive link and tag in it.