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RE: POSH info and FAQ

in #posh5 years ago

LOL this is comedy man..
Poor bastards they need to take classes in coding to participate.
The other thing is you're actually working against your own initiative.
First by making it complex to the newb or to the person(s) completely new to blockchain/crypto. Also even those that participate aren't even receiving REWARDS NOW! that they can see and say, "OK at least my efforts are getting me something."

I don't criticise for the hell of it.
I do it because I see failure in such a "jump through hoops of fire" way to onboard. No one out there if even interested to migrate would want to take up the task of having to understand how it all works regarding keys and crap.

The best way I think would have people migrate is if there was an essentially "mock Hive" where people just joined as a temp/burn account. Added whatever they add.. then those posts would be forwarded to people who curate etc..
Then the rewards given would be a type of "waiting for you.." thing that then made a person think "wait, do I seriously get x dollars for that? OK I think I want to know how this all works now." ... THEN that person might be committed to the new system.

BUT.. that would only be a positive if you were attracting already reputable and established names that then carried some of their following over. OR else, if it's just poor bastards joining.. that's a flood no one really wants.

Of course that mock Hive isn't a simple bot operation, it's essentially a new front-end which somehow needs to implemented into the actual blockchain.. but really THAT is why many don't come here... they only truly join if they have serious interest in BC. Because the old lure of massive rewards, have faded into the history books. There's no $400+ "introduce yourself" posts anymore. So for the mere dollars that a person might make.. blogging on here is just no longer enticing.

The other thing is..
IF you need to run all these window shops to try get people into the store..
IT might be that the story just isn't selling what people want to be buying.