Thanks for the tag, @fionasfavourites! I saw this post shared on Twitter a couple of times, which is awesome, but hadn't gotten around to check it out yet!
I've been jumping on the #MondayBlogs tag on Twitter off and on for months now, sharing posts from my old WordPress blogging friends as well as my new #SteemPress cryptoblog pals. While the post links I share are the non-Steem blogs, almost all of them have the two way integration turned on (a beta feature that "displays Steem features including, upvotes, pending rewards, comments and Steem log in on the blog interface") - I figure it's a good way to introduce people to the idea of Steem in a familiar setting.
Oh, and the hash tags I use and the handles I tag on Twitter for those posts are - #SteemTweets #steem @steemit @SteemNetwork #SteemPress @steempressio #crypto #blog #cryptoblog #blogging
Much appreciate this initiative, @acidyo, and I'll be back with proof of sharing shortly!
EDIT - Because RIF (reading is fundamental)...😂 After rereading this, I won't be "back" with proof here, but I will start using the tag and sharing the Twitter link in the comment section under my posts... 😊