The entries for this round are:
Carpe Diem(1) @free-reign -
The Old Oak(2) @jadams2k18 -
The Cursed(3) @shemzy -
Before the judging...
This Alan Watts Chillstep Mix is one of my favorites. I hope that you do check it out when you have the time. Why is it one of my favorites?
A few years ago when my seba (teacher) said that it would be best for me to get out of my normal routine and go meet people. My brain started freaking out. I have a terrible habit of finding the exact people that I'm escaping from in my last relationships. I'd prefer to have just continued to study...
but I was lonely.
Suicidal depression came back pretty strong then. I don't know if I'll ever commit suicide but there have been points in my life where I have idolized it. I keep thinking what if I went to jump off of the Palisades cliffs or what about jumping off a bridge or maybe I'll shoot up for the first time, making sure that I had a lethal dose or How about getting super drunk and taking a bunch of Tylenol.
My mom has tried three times in her life (at least, these are the ones that I know about). I believe it has scarred me. How could a woman with kids so young want to leave her children? We live in a mental asylum.
During that last downward spiral, I came across these chill mixes featuring Alan Watts. It helped me out some.
I really like this talk about life and death because so many people aren't prepared for death and people are devastated when it happens, whether it be a natural death or a horrific one. The latter I can understand much more easily. It sucks to lose people to the numerous different things that can happen to a human. When it is the former, I think people should be rejoicing over the fact that the person died naturally and has passed on to whatever the next life holds. Now, you might be one of those who thinks that there is no life after death. To this, I must remind you that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Since everything is made up of energy, including humans, there is something else that will come after you leave your current body that you inhabit right now. What that will be or where you will go is anyone's guess but the fact remains that you will still be something.
I hope that when I die a natural death, people will celebrate with me before I go and continue to celebrate after I'm gone. Sure. You can cry and grieve but don't hold on to me. I'll come to visit you in your dreams or speak to you through the trees and the flowers. It isn't like I'll vanish into thin air and there will be nothing left of me. Again, we are made up of energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
- A shout out to this week's rebloggers: @oivas, @shemzy, @jadams2k18, @free-reign, @marblely, @bananafish
Now for the judging.
Congratulations winners! I will be back in this edition.. 😊 😊 Great work @tristancarax and @bananafish! 😊 😊 my two favorites.. 😊
@oivas, I so very much miss FTS! That was one of my favorites contests ever. I wish that we would had been able to do another QITR too. That was a blast.
I agree. Those were the @bananafish days.. Hey, but these are cool too. Thanks for making things so fun!
Thanks, buddy! :D
Thanks @oivas, and glad to hear you're in this next round! 😃
Thank you all. Am happy to be among the winners. And @oivas thanks alot
2nd and 3rd place delegations have been rewarded:
I hope to get back to joining the fun when MAYnia is finished!
Thank you. And I sure will
OMG! The first place!!!
Thank you very much! Congrats to all winners!
Congrats @jadams2k18 and @Shemzy! Nice work both of you!
I don't know if I should comment on suicide, as I've never considered it, and I don't think I ever will, although there are circumstances where I would do it. For example, if it would be the best choice during some emergency where everyone will die a painful, agonizing death, then I would do it just to avoid the alternative.
I've always had the belief that it's wrong to kill oneself as much as it is to kill someone else. Having no idea of what kind of punishment (if any) for killing someone exists in an afterlife, if there is one, is enough deterrent on its own for me. Killing myself and then ending up being punished for it right after to boot, just doesn't sound like a good way to enter an afterlife.
That pretty much guarantees I'll die by assault, accident, disease or natural causes.
Of course, I've never had a problem with depression, so I have no idea what that is like when confronting issues that would make one feel suicidal, so I'm not qualified to say anything about that, except that I know it's a real thing.
I'm sure that anyone who knows that I have it in my will to not have a funeral when I die, probably thinks that's weird. But I think it's much weirder to spend so much money on a dead, rotting hunk of flesh, when so many people are starving. I personally feel that funerals are just wasting money that could be used to keep starving, LIVING people, alive.
But that's what I'm having - no funeral and the absolute cheapest disposal of my dead body. I could have a military funeral, but that would still mean that money would be spent on a worthless dead corpse. I will likely have a military cremation, probably the cheapest route.
Thanks for writing that, it really made me wonder about this all over again.
If there were a simple, painless, and widely available way, it would be certain that more than a quarter of the world's population would die.
I guess we are the only beings who can kill themselves by choice.
I think cremation is the best. And here in my country, it is much better. A few years ago there was a gang of outlaws who stole human bones and tombs to sell them (especially skulls). It is a disgrace that even dead you are not safe. They use them most of the time for spiritual rituals. And it is worrying for the relatives of the dead one.
But I think there are many religions forbid it.
I don't like funerals. However, most people like to share one last time with their loved ones. So it's best to make them spend as comfortable a time as possible: with good chairs, a coffee, a soup and maybe some prayers and words. Something simple and cheap.
I don't know if it's the same where you live. But funerals here are the only places you see your whole family together.
Thanks for sharing :)
I know that some people (Christians) say that if you get cremated then you won't be able to have a resurrected body. I don't buy that, because if your house catches fire and you burn up, it's gonna end up the same as it would have if you were cremated.
I understand the comfort aspect of the wake and the family coming together to say one last goodbye, and get one last look at the dead corpse. But in my case, if they want to have a little get together, they can. They just won't be paying a mortician to display my dead corpse as the centerpiece.
To me, it's more important that I leave the world in the most responsible way that I can imagine. Mourners can celebrate that, have a good time and go home. 🙂 Thanks for adding your views!