genuine people around you is already a blessing so if you feel sad or alone find your interest, it may take time but I promise you that once you unlocked it you will have that pure enjoyment doing it and you may find a community with the same interest so that you can share your passion while also supporting others
Truer words have never been spoken.🙌
Now more than ever, when the world seems to shut us down because of the pandemic, it is vital to have genuine, caring and supportive people who are not afraid to gently correct you when you have wronged and whose arms are wide enough to hug you--all of you-- and give you love when you know you need it the most. When you find such people, make sure to never EVER let them go🥰 I love this post, and keep on shining, munyeka~!😘✨
Pak na pak @jongcl. ❤️❤️❤️