Writing Tips for Project Positivity Challenge 1

in #positivity8 years ago (edited)

Hello! Last night's post was from @lifeisawesome. His job with Project Positivity is to post the weekly challenge. Mine is to help you engage that challenge with writing tips, tricks and trouble-shooting. We will both (along with anyone else in the community who wants to chime in via comments or #project-positivity in steemit.chat, select and esteem the strongest posts daily. We will be resteeming at least two pieces that have guaranteed whale upvotes attached every day. We will also work to diversify resteems, so there is no reason not to write!

To ease you into this challenge, I want to begin by expanding the language around the prompt. The challenge is to write about a "personal boundary that you overcame" or "overcoming something." This could be as commonplace as a writer's block, or as singular as having a limb removed. Regardless of age, you have a wealth of knowledge about yourself at your disposal.

But how to decide what to write about?

My advice is to take a moment to ask yourself, "What have I overcome? What challenge have I faced?"

Of course you don't need to close your eyes or lengthen your breath, but this has proven to be a helpful practice for centering oneself.

Once a topic has come to mind, ask yourself what good came of that situation. Generally speaking, when we reflect on overcoming, our minds pick negative scenarios. Points of struggle are first remembered and with dark connotation. I am a firm believer we can locate good in every situation. How?

Let's start with the fact that you moved past whatever you needed to overcome in the first place. (Or, if it is still challenging you, celebrate that you can now transform it through writing.)

If you look at the moment and see how overwhelmingly awful it was, consider what boundaries you created for yourself consciously or otherwise to avoid repeating that scenario.

Finally, despite that this is meant to be a nonfiction exercise, if there is no good you can find, create it. Fabricate it. We only ask that you note somewhere that you chose to shift into fiction to find your positive moment. That choice is itself a positive ending.

For an excellent example of a post that meets the challenge, please read "What it is like to lose a loved one you grew up with"
by @aldentan.

Do feel free to join #writing-exchange on steemit.chat for further help with ideas or edits.

Happy creating! We can't wait to see what amazing work you produce.


P.S. Don't forget to use "positivity" in your tags!
P.P.S. We will NOT only be focusing on nonfiction. You can absolutely respond to any challenge outside the suggested genre. We want to see your best.

Image via pixabay.com


Oh wow thanks for the shout! Honored!

I was literally just about to start to write my first piece for the challenge when I stumbled upon this.