Looks like you inspired quite a few comments here. Hopefully, as you wished, people have been following each other, too.
I really like seeing this kind of interaction on Steemit, so thanks for this.
You already follow abh12345, so you're aware of his curation and engagement leagues, plus his forays to the database to provide personalized information for anyone who asks for it. I find both to be worthwhile endeavors and very helpful to my own participation here on Steemit.
He has two sponsors for the leagues that help out with rewards, but I'm sure he could always use some help with some more. Either by you or others you know that would be interested in such a sponsorship.
I know this wasn't what you were asking for, but I think it's a worthy cause, since a lot of the minnows you could be following are listed there.
I appreciate your time and any consideration you might give to this.