Some people, due to so many things they have gone through in life have lost their minds and consciousness. They get to a level of end on things and their minds.
But actually we had a song in our primary school days when we used to sing that "it is never too late to be conscious. It is never too late to make up your mind. It is never too late to be sure of yourself, never never too late.
I got to understand the meaning of this song until I grew up. I now know what it means. To be careful of the things we do, what we do, how we do them and where we do them. If we are aware of certain things we move towards the path of great happiness. Being aware of the people with whom we associate ourselves with, the kind of jobs we chose to do.!
Doing everything to be happy is one of the best things humans can do. It's the a great gift you can give yourselves. Don't let anyone to take away your happiness from you with little things to stir up your anger or make you sad or with gossiping. The only way is the way forward.