That actually makes a lot of sense, I had not stopped to consider how the website or the bots calculated those ROI ratios and whether or not there could be a difference between the intended price of SBDs as opposed to the current market values.
It almost seems that given these changes that for someone like myself it would probably be better to set my view on the site to show the rewards that would be paid out or upvoted as to compare against that of what was spent for the bid for that bot to better determine profitability. I was just previously chalking this difference up to fees in the background somewhere as a price for the promotion from the bot's upvotes.
I'd also have to imagine that this same methodology is is used for any bot, even the paid upvote services like Minnowbooster and Smartsteem, correct? It all functions the same way, just a matter of preference in what service you use? Would you say that's an accurate understanding?
Sorry for all the questions. My mind just works like this in trying to dissect how everything works, force of habit given my profession. Thank you @yabapmatt for responding though and helping me out, sharing your knowledge and all.