I've been posting more consistently lately

in #posts14 days ago

Noticed I made it to the top author list on @dalz's recent post.

I guess now's the best time to post when price of hive is low and user activity is lower, right?

Looking back at some of my posting activity the past couple years you can notice a lot of discrepancies, some times even months apart. As someone in Hive for the long-term it does kind of make you think "how much Hive did I leave on the table by not posting", but at the same time as a curator you also think "who got that hive instead?". The answer is obviously everyone shared it equally who were active posting, the other question I guess is "what happened to that hive?" which doesn't have an easy answer.

I'm not regretting that I didn't post or force myself to post, I've been rather busy working on my projects I want to also have a long-term view on this blockchain. It's easy to some times notice when some people "force themselves" to post, the quality and effort may drop, the engagement levels on the post may also drop and the time spent on engaging with your engagement and other posts by other users generally drops as well as the authors try to just get the rewards for as little effort as possible.

Another thing that autovotes kind of mess that activity up is that they don't notice these things that manual curators or regular users would. So the rewards they get are often not changed by the way they go about their content and activity. I also realize that these authors may get some kind of entitlement from the whole ordeal and get "hooked" on seeing the pending rewards stay consistent or go higher in terms of Hive for their account's growth. This may lead to some uncomfortable situations if someone were to interfere with downvotes even if they're coming off of it from the right angle because of how used the author may have gotten to the constant support by then.

The big question I've pondered over time is: how can we reward manual curators more without it relying on downvotes lowering the returns of auto/blind votes. It's something that's hard to do on the blockchain level due to its feeless nature. Services like hive.vote let you easily and for free set up trails and autovotes on authors, you can set it and forget it without giving too much thought on how the authors you're supporting evolve from there.

In a way you can look at autovotes/trails as a subscription method similar to patreon, you really like the content this author is generating and it doesn't "cost" you anything to consistently support this author. When it comes to patreon they're taking $ from you monthly so you're more prone to think it over if you want to continue supporting this person on a monthly basis but there too you may forget about it as can easily happen in this day and age with subscription payments becoming the norm. But when it's not costing you anything you're even more prone to forget about it and not bother to look back which may have unintended consequences on the ecosystem as a whole.

Okay so without looking at downvotes to regulate auto/blind votes and cause drama for the authors who also get penalized from them along with the voters. I started thinking that manual voters could get an advantage simply by leaving a comment.

Naturally not every post you consume gives you enough reason to place a comment, some times nothing may come to mind to add to the post or it may come off as something that seems too simple like "nice post", but it kind of also depends who is voting and leaving that comment. If all you do is only leave "nice post" comments or comments that may seem disingenuous you're more likely to not receive a vote from the author. If however your vote has some value behind it, and even if not but you still voted it as a sign of approval, and you leave a meaningful comment or have a history of not just posting "short comments", the author may upvote your comment as a thanks or acknowledgement of having seen and read it if a reply isn't necessary.

With the way the Hive price is doing lately, though, most of the comment votes which naturally tend to wanna be smaller than votes you may leave on whole posts, tend to not give out a lot of rewards to the comment. I believe and hope that @commentrewarder may come out to be a good tool to help that issue along. While the rewards from it may come from the author's post rewards, the author has the control on who to direct them towards so why not the comments that they welcome. This may indirectly lead to more "curation rewards" for manual curation if you think about it, even if the votes are on auto and you get around to leaving a comment later first, it rewards the curators more than autovoters can get due to lack of comments.

The issue with that however is that those who mainly rely on autovotes and don't care about their comment section that much to maybe even bother responding or curating the few comments they may receive - they'll make more author rewards since they're not forfeiting part of them to go to the comments using @commentrewarder.

It's still early days but if you've been following along so far, you may start to connect the dots that curators, especially manual ones, could affect the votes to favor those forfeiting part of their author rewards towards the comments.

Think of it this way:

If you're a curator and you see an author who constantly posts and by the looks of it most of the voting support is coming from what you believe to be autovotes. Then you see a post by an author who receives more diverse voters and rewards on their posts but also a lot more engagement and on top of it wants to reward their comments with part of the posts's rewards. Aren't you more likely to vote the latter compared to the former? and more importantly: Would you vote them a little extra than you usually would if you know a small % of the post rewards are going to the comments? This action would make up for the % they're forfeiting as they're now getting higher vote strength.

Anyway, I'm excited to see how this service may change engagement levels and how users are rewarded with more adoption of it. Hopefully mostly for the better.

PS. I will not be forfeiting part of this post's rewards to @commentrewarder just as a temporary experiment.

Post Banner: upcoming @holzing artwork.



I was discussing this service with a few buddies at our meetup last night, seem to me like a great incentive to encourage meaningful comments on your posts.

Probably best way to find out is to give it a test.

I noted the low price of Hive too and switched rewards to 100% HP in my next posts. 😀

I think that's the best way currently, and you don't need to trade hbd for hive to power up so saves you some time as well. :D

I did notice you posting more lately, and I think that's great. I do miss the gaming posts a bit though. Your Hades runs were pretty entertaining. I am a bit bummed by the lack of activity lately. Some of the authors I used to comment on aren't replying as much, which in turn makes me not want to comment on them as well. Could be a snowball effect all around.

The latter sucks, I think no matter how busy you are if you can post u can at least acknowledge the comments with a vote/reply and now potentially even a commentrewarder tip. ^^

That's quite random, I just said this to @hivetrending earlier today:


Maybe your comment is the cue I was waiting for to hit buy. :D

and then I'll try not to let it overtake all of my free time.

That could be a good pitch for commentrewarder.

As for Hades, that is a fun coincidence. If you will buy it, might want to wait for the steam sale coming up so you can save some. Just don't blame me if it eats up a lot of your time haha.

Firstly your posts are always really pleasant to read and it's quite cool that you are posting more frequently right now.

Also I've never like the vote trails and bid votes and whatever other stuff there is out there.

I feel like if we together as a community push to move value from just straight up vote farmers to actual content creators and even better to quality content, we could start getting more eyes on our platform from the rest of the internet through more quality content.

I've been thinking lately about branching off my posts from Splinterlands/Hive content to something else to bring eyes outside of crypto onto this platfrom simply from google searches, but I feel like then I would earn less upvotes, so I'm not ready to take this change yet atm as I want to grow my Hive power as much as I can.

Yeah, we're quite early in the inflation of hive still (12 more years to go until it drops to 0.5% yearly), so don't shoot yourself in the foot at this point in time. But we definitely need to be more smarter as to where we place value because I still see a lot of posts and content that barely gets any consumption making a lot of Hive/$ you'd never see anywhere else.

What's weird is that these people don't even bother to fake engagement as we'd see on other platforms to attempt to justify their rewards and often don't even bother to engage with others and build a real following. It's kind of a slap in the face to investors who've been buying and holding hive hoping we'll get our fair distribution in order.

Hi Acidyo, I find very interesting everything you have been sharing lately about rewarding genuine commenters.

The use of automatic voting has its disadvantages and some advantages. In my case due to the bad connection I almost always have I have automated my vote so as not to miss the posts of a few hivers. However whenever I can (almost always at some time of the day) I read each of the publications that I vote automatically, comment on those that I consider and vote others manually. This way I alternate between my manual and automatic voting. Greetings.

Yeah I'm not saying autovotes are bad necessarily, but if left unchecked for long they can have somewhat bad consequences on authors receiving them and those maybe not receiving them at usually no cost to the autovoter. I love that they can work on Hive and the hybrid usage I know many do with part autovoting/trailing, part manual voting is great to make sure your voting power doesn't stay at 100% thus losing out on returns.

I just wish the trailers and autovoters would take a look more often and maybe reconsider who they support or at least make sure the people they've been supporting are still on par with the reason they started supporting them to begin with.

I just wish the trailers and autovoters would take a look more often and maybe reconsider who they support or at least make sure the people they've been supporting are still on par with the reason they started supporting them to begin with.

This would be perfect. The tool would be used optimally.

I also read Dalz's post about Top Hive earners and learned that there were 8,000 accounts that received rewards in the past month. This made me wonder why the engagement level for each post is so low (at least in my case). I guess the majority are mostly focused on getting rewards for their own posts, or maybe they don't feel motivated to earn a few cents for commenting on others' posts. I say this because that's what I thought a long time ago until I changed my mindset about it.

I know for sure that our platform will benefit when the engagement level is high, especially when attracting outsiders to the platform. I've tested this myself: I visited a social media platform built on Solana that was giving away points and meme coins easily, which caught my attention. However, when I saw how low the level of engagement was and how uninteresting the quality of comments were, I quickly lost interest.

Hive is in a very good position to attract outsiders because our coin has value and we have good curation efforts, especially in the larger Communities we have. Now, I think that rewarding engagement is another piece of the puzzle that we need to integrate into the solution and educate Hive users about to make it more widely known.

And yeah, I'm also excited to see how it will turn out in a few months from now.

For some of us a simple think as a #freecompliments is enought on a post (when they comes motivational or expressive) and the way u try to Say lower user activity i don't know where it come from, this days is seen a lot more comments then normal.

And the % for post/comments to user sounds interesting if they don't affect the comment author reward, if we get rewarded then for sure the comment would come more constant (on all users, we are a lot). 🤜🏻🤛🏻

Do you have a short description of what the freecompliments community/account do?

The last ones wasnt too good tbh, but the initention about, is getting the people more connected with them selves and others. Whats ur description about?

I gave @commentrewarder a try and might use it more especially on days with more than 1 post or in the rare occasions where I write about something Hive related.

In a way you can look at autovotes/trails as a subscription method similar to patreon, you really like the content this author is generating and it doesn't "cost" you anything to consistently support this author.

This is pretty much how I optimally see the Autovotes. However, I don't think anyone would actually buy and power up Hive just to support an author they like. In reality, it's more something in the line of 'upvote4upvote' even though I think it's kind of fine as long as the content itself isn't just farming also because it actually forces the users to be invested in Hive.

If anything, it all remains an imperfect model with many flaws but I still love it after all these years regardless.

Nice post! :P

Nice to see you're still around here.

I remember the rewards getting to a lot of people and leading to a lot of shit posts. But also, for quite a few, it's more profitable to do something else for the money and just buy crypto with it. I think it's mainly the "dopamine rush", etc. You see the rewards and your brain becomes a pigeon pecking the food button endlessly, even tho the food only comes out occasionally.

hey, been a while I've seen ur username here! How's it going?

Was looking at some old posts a few weeks ago and wondered where u were at when I saw your username there :D

Been in real life. Lots of things I don't really wanna talk about on the chain have been happening in the last few years.
Not even sure how much I wanna talk about right now, but it's been part of why I was hesitant and dreading posting. Cuz if I come back, inevitably I'll talk about something, and the chain is forever.
Kept trying to come back and just ended up leaving the tab open for months without posting before eventually closing it, and finally coming back just now cuz I had bills, and now I gotta work on regrowing my stack/account.

I mean u don't have to constantly keep thinking about things here being "forever", just don't get too personal I guess. Most of us are just random nobodies no one will care to dig into anyway. :D

I have been posting with 100% power-up for the last few months and it's helping me get my HP faster. It saves time as I do not need to convert HBD to hive and power up instead all I get is HP as an author reward.

I wish we could easily set comments to be 100% power up as well.

that would be awesome if it happens.

the author may upvote your comment as a thanks or acknowledgement of having seen and read it if a reply isn't necessary.

I always go through comments and upvote them manually. May be @commentrewarder can be a good tool for them who don't. But then the question is the actual reward that a comment gets, it's not that big, right ? So it would be helpful for new users more likely.

It helps those who can't vote things past the minimum threshold.

I know you are a seasoned Hivian and I'm a nooby but man you do think deeply about this whole platform. I'm delighted to see you have increased your blog output lately because I am learning quite a lot from your posts and indeed the engagement on your posts. Yes I read a lot of the comments you receive but I'm not doing it in a creepy stalker type way! I am just trying to learn more about the whole Hive platform and its ecosystem.

Throughout my travels within the Hive community there are clearly arrangements in place and there are lots of people who are guaranteed to receive huge votes no matter what they post, because they are auto voted. This is the 'it's all about who you know' element of Hive.

I have no intention of naming names but when I see the blog output from some people who blog from different accounts and produce multiple posts a day knowing they are guaranteed votes, often from their own accounts, and then you look at the comment count and there's very little to no comments on these posts then you realise that the money aspect of Hive really is a huge pull.

These are just observations of mine but in the short time I have been a member of the Hive community what is emerging is that I can see the best and the worst of humanity on this platform.

How do you know they're blogging from different accounts?

It often seems like you aren't as new to Hive as you may give out to be, no offense.

How do I know? Well they are very open about the different accounts, that's how I know. I am new to Hive but had a period on Steemit many years ago.

Fair enough. If there's people out there posting from multiple accounts mainly to get more rewards from unknowing curators they should definitely be checked upon. It's one thing to post many times per day on your own account and give curators the decision how much they wanna reward it or how consistently they post that often, another to try and hide that fact that they're the same person profiteering from multiple accounts.

Actually many of the linked accounts I've found are totally open about the fact they are the same person. And some have set up multiple accounts to engage in different projects, so it's not totally deceptive.

Okay yeah that should be fine, I guess the issue then is if they're being overrewarded for what they do/don't do compared to others.

Yes, but it's also the fact that they use their different accounts to guarantee themselves votes so they know what level of rewards they'll receive each time they publish a post. I mean if I know I'm guaranteed $10 a post each time I post I may not care too much what effort goes into that post.

I thought you or a family member was going through some health stuff so that is why I thought you were away for a bit. I figured you would be back eventually. It is pretty interesting how posting and commenting drops off a bit when the price of hive is struggling. I just keep doing what I normally do. Looks like it is paying off because I made the list too.

Yeah there was some travelling and checkups I needed to do, while posting during those times wasn't impossible I had to juggle a lot of things with Holozing through a phone rather than taking a laptop with me which took a lot longer. I'm glad I didn't have to take a full pause with that though or else the project would be even more delayed than it is, but too bad the price of hive dropped so much that our funding was cut quite low which also caused some delays in the end anyway.

Yeah, the price of Hive has not been fun at all lately. Except for the fact that I have been buying more I guess. I know what you mean about not being able to do everything from a phone. I feel a bit like I am operating at 60% when I have to rely solely on my phone for stuff.

Automatic votes are not bad, because if we like the story of a certain author we could support it constantly. The detail is in the evolution of that creator, there are people who are blocked or feel pressured to see the blank page and end up doing plagiarism, even some who do have a great trajectory, I've seen that. They trust in that automatic vote and start to abuse and do not make an effort to achieve quality content.

Logically more interested in the importance of Hive, has allowed us to individually get less profit, for me personally is not good and depended on it for many payments, are more publications, but we get more learning. What happens is wonderful, are more contacts with people worldwide, do not worry the value of hivers will rise, let's be patient. Good luck.


This is mind opening and blowing ideas have ever come across here on hive. Thanks for sharing. I hope the system make it work.

Lately I also have been trying to increase both quality and quantity of my activity. I have not made a shitpost in a long time. I don't think that this post counts as shitpost because I declined the reward. This year my posting streak broke a few times(one time my pc needed to be fixed and other I helped neighbors gather firewood). But now I am posting daily again. I think that my posts quality is also better now.... But I did get a comment saying that that person finds it hard to understand the stories of the games I play. So perhaps I still need to change/improve something about my posts. But I am not sure how I could do that because for me they are already easy to understand. I am also trying to comment more as well.

It's not a bad idea, in fact it encourages us to make a good comment about it in the users' publications and in that way improve in the things that we are going to comment or criticize in a constructive way.

I noticed too that you've been very consistent lately and I'm excited, cause I love to read you.

Concerning the new services you have created, I like it too as it's a way of encouraging genuine engagements on our post, but I have a question, ia this option available on other frontends too?

We all have personal projects but the best thing is to continue posting daily to take advantage of the low price of #Hive and wait for the right moment of impulse