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RE: George Soros and Justin Trudeau planning the depopulation of the Earth ?

in #pot7 years ago

Well, if they they want to blame that on marihuana... Then people are really brainwashed by the traditional media, if they believe that.
Opiods are prescribed by vilain doctors, that have blood on their hands. Period!


It is a National Crisis in Canada.

Traditional Media is promoting Marijuana in every News Paper in Canada. This is what makes me wonder.

Yes, cause this law is created for businesses with ties to the government (licensed producers). It's like Marc Emery said, this is a law written by people who know nothing about weed and are not even into it, but for sure understand that there's shitloads of money to be made.

AlmostvEvery Canadian Politician is promoting Legal Marijuana.

That will probably be because they have financial interests in the marihuana industry...
Weird to imagine here in Europe, but on the other side of the atlantic, it’s like they found the new oil in weed

Yes .... Insider Trading. They all bought Pot stocks when they were penny stocks.