Wow, that's pretty many slavs. Do you have any sources for those amounts? Lucky it was last century and I'm pretty sure if that actually happened, those who are responsible aren't alive today.
I don't have problems with slavs but I have problems with not being able to behave like a decent human being. If you are thinking someone wearing lipstick has killed 66,000,000 slavs last century, you might need some help though.
Are you denying the existence of gulags and what the soviet police state did to the Russian people?
No I'm not. What makes you think I am?
Are you saying the user @kryptik or someone else on Steemit was a founder of gulags or was a member of soviet police?
No, where do you see me saying anything like that you retard?
Well you seem to have trouble understanding things, so I'll try to approach in a more clear way.
You are ranting about people being marxists. You wrote about the 66,000,000 people who were killed during last century. You are calling the other user a lipstick boy and that he's a marxist, then ranting more about the 66,000,000 people killed. Then you are asking if I'm denying the existance of gulags, when I'm just saying it's stupid how you are blaming people living currently for the deeds of the Soviet government.
If you have difficulties in following the conversation or reading the comments, please focus before commenting.
Not stupid, antifa and jeff zucker and george soros, and anyone else who believes in censorship, like you, are all subhuman marxist filth. Still not sinking into that low IQ skull of yours.... Your lipstick boy friend was acting like he had my IP address. Why is that? He was trying to intimidate instead of having a logical argument.
You are ignorant and arrogant, the worst mix. It is well known common knowledge the Russian people were tortured by Lenin, Stalin and all your other friends....
Lenin and Stalin are dead and even if they were alive, they wouldn't be my friends.
None of my friends have been torturing Russian people.
There are worse mixes than being ignorant and arrogant. Add stupidity to the mix too.
Yes but you support censorship don't you?
Not really, why? Because I'm flagging some of your comments?
If flagging is supporting censorship, then you are supporting censorship too, as you are flagging me. How do you feel about that?
I'm flagging you because you are a a harasser, a troll, and you deny the existence of gulags because you are RACIST against Slavs and Russians in particular and joke about how they were tortured by the marxists, filthy subhuman creatures. You are joking about it because you are sick and low IQ.
Oh boy, if you are troll, troll on. :D
Sad part though is the fact that there are plenty people like this for real, so it's hard to approach you like "oh boy tou're certainly a troll" even though you act crazy enough that I'm hoping you are a troll.
A troll or not, we're getting nowhere with this.
Another nothing burger. No lettuce, no tomato, no onion, no cheese, no sauce, no bun. NOTHING BURGER. You have posted 30 times and you still haven't said anything....