I read and then reread your story. And I couldn't believe my eyes! You've done far more justice to my idea than me, dear @nexusfyre.
Your post/story stays so true to the original story prompt and yet takes a direction that is unimaginable but so perfectly believable! I am absolutely delighted to read this piece from you. You are just so FANTASTIC! I'm also bookmarking it to come back to refer when I continue with my own story about the future.
Sandzat laughing wildly with delight claps her hands so hard reading @nexusfyre's post, sparks begin to fly and neighbours wonder if there's a mad woman trying to summon flying aliens from another galaxy! :DI can't appreciate your writing enough, @nexusfyre.
@Sandzat, you are always able to bring a smile to my face. I'm terribly sorry for not having as much time to write as I would have liked the last few days. I felt bad for not putting something together for your last competition. I was up late last night working on this one. My inhibitions fly out the window when I write late at night. Sometimes, this can be a good thing. Cheers and Thanks @sandzat!