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RE: The Naughty and Nice Lists 😈😇

in #pottymouth5 years ago

Shit! definitely I must be a fucking saint unnecessarily well educated when 'commenting'...

Thank goodness that the Madame (the major slut of the Engagement League brothel) didn't occur to also include our posts in the damn investigation. Because otherwise, I bet I would kick mercilessly hard the arsehole of good old G-dog well away of the first place of the Potty mouths list.

Holy bollocks! :)


hahaha :)

It's all being jotted down, ready to be presented some time in the future, hopefully with a bit more skill that I do :)

the major slut of the Engagement League brothel

Hurray! I've made it :)

Hurray! I've made it :)

With all my fucking respect Madam ...You Actually Made It!! };)

La Matrona

It's all being jotted down, ready to be presented some time in the future, hopefully with a bit more skill that I do :)

Gorgeous! looking forward for that future to crown me with that bawbag laurel's ornament on my head and then swamp everybody noobie arses around here with that huge bottle of champagne from the pinnacle of the Potty Mouths podium.

Cheers! :)

You were 73rd on the potty list and 780 on the nice list - I have faith :)

Ah! as usual. I am a very well balanced chap. LoL