X tips for Personal power - influence - success - techniques for having an awesome day, and life

in #power7 years ago

The first three on the list are best done within the first 20 minutes of waking up:

I. HYDRATE. Drink quality filtered or distilled water BEFORE you drink coffee. Add some pink Himalayan rock salt and half a freshly squeezed lemon. Water is lost throughout sleep, as are minerals which the salt will replace.

II. Get into the sunlight. You will wake up much more effectively, eliminating grogginess and tiredness.

III. Move your body. Do 20 jumping Jacks, some push-ups, stretching or yoga. Go for a 5 minute brisk walk. It is irreverent what you do, only that you move your body, this helps you awaken properly.

These first three things will set you up right for the entire day!

IV. Try intermittent fasting. I am male winner in a 12 week National body transformation challenge in Australia, permanently releasing 19,4kg in the process. My secret?? Intermittent fasting. Do some research - Google. Have you ever wondered, why does my body store fat? It's to keep us alive so if we need to we can do days, weeks without food. Now however just having 14-16 hours break is so powerful. Intermittent fasting allows rest and RECOVERY for your digestive system which makes up 60% of the cells in your body.

Consequently we use 60% of our energy breaking down and using food. Giving your digestion a rest allows energy for healing and releasing stored fat/weight. Not having insulin flood your system as soon as you wake up allows your body to use its primary energy system - stored energy. This technique also helps increase mental clarity, improve senses and when you do eat later in the day, you really appreciate it.

V. If intermittent fasting seems to hard for you, or you are diabetic and concerned about blood sugar levels, try eating a high fat breakfast, and include some protein. I have a plant based diet (vegan) so personally on days I do eat breakfast (am not intermittent fasting) I will have avocado, coconut oil, mushrooms, veggies. Simple cards such as processed cereals, breads, grains are a terrible choice. They make your blood sugar SPIKE and you will crash. Instead put some fats and proteins in your breakfast, this alone will help you tone up and give you a slower more consistent energy release.

VI. Cool it down. Google "the power of cold showers". It sounds scary, but you can have a hot shower first then after washing, turn it to full cold. Deep breathe and give it 1-3 minutes. This boosts your immune system and also has a great mental building factor. Tony Robbins the most successful coach alive today uses the cold for this and it has literally made him superhuman, in mind, body and spirit. He does a more hardcore thing and has ice baths!

VII. Rewrite your top ten goals each day, first thing in the morning, without referring to the previous day. Write them in the present tense as if you have already achieved them. This keeps your mind focused on what you want - and causes you to think about your goals daily. We become what we think about most of the team. Those with goals who hold them in their minds will start to attached emotion to the goal, and action will follow. Conversely those who do not have clearly defined goals will live and work for those who do have specific goals.

VIII. Increase your vocabulary. Those with a higher vocabulary are almost without exception, higher earners and rise dramatically on the socioeconomic scale. Think of it this way, you can only understand the world in the words you know. Each new work opens up a possibility of new realities and corresponding new words.

IX. Get a coach. If you are struggling, find yourself a coach. Ensure they also get coaching themselves, for no good coach ever stops learning and being mentored. I have had coaching for five years and it has made a world of difference in my life and success, happiness and what is possible for me is abundantly higher than before I made this choice.

X. Focus 80% of your time on the top two goals you have. Why? Because we are on this planet to grow, to love.
All life requires love to live. The suns rays are live, they are light energy, and we are beings of light energy. If you were on your death bed right now, looking back - what would you be sad you never did? Learn an instrument? Try a sport, give life a real go? Work in your career of passion? These things won't ever happen until you write them down as goals and focus your attention and attitude (thoughts, feelings and actions) towards going after them whole wholeheartedly, with belief and persistence.

Follow me at growthforsuccess.com for more posts and videos in the future