Do You Really think super natural power Exist? Yaaa It Exists...
There are Many planets in milky way they are evolved from mixture of various different gas hydrogen,helium and so many gases. This gases have effect on our life as well
The special power is nothing but effects of gases on our body.. There are lakhs and Lakhs of Gases which are present over there which continuouly acts. Every action should have reaction aswell.. it reacts on us
Now you will get a question Then Why all do not Have special powers The answer is simple
If you see planets they revolve around sun, but some times some planets form a Nearest formation (eg in a line) yaa its not nearer but when in line they come close they create a new gas in space where there is no effect when this gas travel on earth they are been reacted by body and gives special power to that body. the power of this rays or gas is faster in space
All have super natural power its just you should find it... the power of gases result in 6 sense power
if you ask whether its a blessing or a curse
If you known what are powers and how do we get them you can use as blessings if you dont known them you definitely treat this power as curse... i believe if dont known dont play with it
Ninad Shah
Yes, I think after a while we understand that it is a blessing that we should continue to develop, I liked your explanation, thank you !!