Why would there be fees at all??? This whole idea doesn't make any sense. Hive is supposed to be a feeless platform, and now there's talk about powerdown taxes and penalties? So you want to tell users to buy Hive, power it up, then if they want their money back, they lose a portion of it (not to mention the loss in a market dip).
And about that "idea to pay that fee to those who stay powered up", why would someone's stake/funds be redistributed to others? Is Hive turning socialist?Don't want to get into a political discussion, but I can see that nasty socialism crawling into America, and I definitely don't want that bullshit on Hive.
lol. Exaggerate much?
Hive is supposed to be what ever the investors decide it should be.
They power it down normally and dont lose anything. This is simply an opt in option.
In DEFI and in the rest of the crypto market that pays attention to trends, "taxes" on actions are a commonplace thing. They benefit everyone.
Hive is lagging so far behind current trends that i can understand people like you being shocked by it.
What are you talking about? 😄
The funds would be redistributed to others in order to powerdown instantly.
That is an opt in thing. Its a cost of utilizing a feature. No one is forced to do it.
And that socialism analogy you made is absurd. Socialism has a compulsory aspect to it. This is entirely opt in.
Adding a new feature to the platform that gives MORE freedom to investors. More options to do with their funds what they want you are calling socialism.
In order to have instant power-downs + decentralized governance, you need a fee to exit. That is pretty much it. If there is no penalty for getting out early, exchange attacks would be very easy.
So the exit fee is first and foremost a security measure that enables the ability to power down instantly. Now the next question is, what to do with that exit fee? We could burn it, but I think the better idea is to give it back to those that stayed powered up, to reward the ones most loyal to the network. You give short term speculators a way into the Hive ecosystem where. Who knows what happens when you get whales with big egos splashing around Hive upvotes? It could be an entertaining event. And when the short term speculators have had their fun and move on, the long term investors are rewarded.
It's not socialism it is trickle up economics, neo liberalism. Don't confuse the two.