Nice to hear that the things we have been dealing with over the past 20 years are not isolated to just us. Pay has always been crap for public school employees. Especially those who are in non instructional areas like me. I make so much less than I would in the private sector and I don't even get my Summers off. The one good thing is the pension which will hopefully still be around by the time I retire. Even our health care which used to be pretty great has went down the tubes. The quality of care is still good, it just costs an arm an a leg to get the same level of service we had in the past. Likewise, the government is always pushing new standards and things that we need to be doing without giving us the resources or funds to accomplish them. Overcrowded classrooms are a problem in many places and you would think by now the data would show it isn't conducive to learning. They continue to allow it to happen though.
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