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RE: The RIPPLE growth of STEEM!

Alright, I'm sold @jaynie

In truth I have been reluctant to use my facebook and twitter accounts until the dpoll race when I was tweeting stuff.

My twitter followers are football fans of the same team plus a few family and friends but it's occurred to me that I could still tailor my posts for that too. My facebook account was something I was planning to slowly kill off, although I have built up friends from the 4 different countries that I have lived so far. I will change that now as well.

My wife and I are planning, over the next few years, to gradually cut the cord so we can travel and work at the same time. Jayne's starting a Uni coordinator business and she is also externally marking and verifying for a couple of exam boards. I'm planning to build up my blog here on steemit and see where it could take me. The traveling giving me ammo for the blogging, in turn paying for the traveling. Sounds to good to be true.

I might have to have a little chat with you and use your extensive knowledge on how to combine the other formats. I think, to start with, I would post infrequently and selectively to slowly ease in everyone who follows/friends me.

What do you think?
