This quarantine has pushed us to find ways to pass our time. In my previous post What has covid-19 tought us? I detailed some activities people have chosen to do. Ones are funny and entertaining and others are in the terrain of weirdness.
So I've decided to put together a list of productive activities that we can do in order to seize our time in the most valuable way.
1. Think it over
This is a great opportunity to rethink about our own life. Considering the current situation when lots of people are losing their jobs we can now realize how unprotected most people are.
Coronavirus dropped like reality bomb to make us see that we are so dependent on the financial system to provide for ourselves and families. Without it we look so helpless. And we cannot avoid that fact that without jobs most people are doom.
It's pretty clear that only a few percentage of the entire population are blessed with financial freedom since birth. But even knowing that premise from an early age hasn't made us look for alternatives to cut such dependence.
So, we can use this time to look into new possibilities in order to make a living. And I am talking about entrepreneurship, because even in hard times consolidated entrepreneurs can endure uccessfully. Every entrepreneur relies on himself rather on government system because he produce value for himself and others. That is that he moves away from system, becoming an independent and productive person.
I understand that this may sound complicated for some people. But let's be clear. This virus unveiled our weakness. And one of them is our way to make a living.
2. Working out
The excuse of having no time to work out doesn't apply anymore. Now we have all the time to finally put our muscle to work.
And if you're trying to grab an excuse, let me tell you that there's no need to go to a noisy gym to workout. We can do it in our home. Either if we want to lose weight or just tune up our body, there are plenty of exercises that are very useful.
So, if we want to gain weight, we can use our own body. Push ups are great for our arms and chest. It also helps our back. Four series of 10 push ups daily through the week are enough to tighten our muscles.
As for women, if you want to stretch and tune up your body, you can follow this video routine.
3. Read
There are still many people that don't read. But most of them haven't found the right story. Eveyone has different tastes, and we can use time of self quarantine to look for that book that piques our interest.
If you have kindle device or just want to download books to your smartphone for free, you can click here.
4. Watch TV
Though some might say that watching TV is not productive at all, I must disagree. In spite of the fact that everyday there's less good things to watch on TV, we can even find valuable movies or TV show that provide value.
For instance, the movie called Interestellar is a wonderful example of how movies can really teach through their compelling stories. These types of films at least grab our interest and push us to look for more information.
So, if you are looking for a good movie or TV show, you get this 30 Day-Free Trial here.
5. Gather and learn
Most people regularly spend too much time in their jobs that they don't pay too much attention to their families. They even don't venture and into learning something new.
There's a premise that entrepreneurs always support. That is to become a better version of themselves. So it will be good to gather your family members and embark on projects like learning another language or just acquiring a new skill. There are plenty of tutorials online on diverse topics.
6. Play
You can play what you want: online games, board games, so on. Most people live in houses which mean they can play some ball games in their backyard.
7. Dedicate time to our pets
Our loyal bodies are always by our side. No matter if we come home late at night, they are right there waiting for us. And now it's great opportunity to pay more attention to them. So if you have a dog, cat or even bird, give it some love.
8. Self-Learning
For those of you who are still in school or at the university, this solitary time can motivate you to finally apply self-learning. There's nothing more rewarding than learning outside the boundaries of any educational system, because typically they just restrain you.
When you learn on your own, your creativity is fully operational, allowing you to come up with wonderful ideas that wouldn't emerge on any classroom.
They simple idea of discovering the knowledge is so powerful that makes you think out of the box. This is something that improves your cognitive skills and prepares you for any situation you may encounter.
These are some of the productive things that you can do during this quarantine. Of course, there are more. And you can choose which one appeals to you the most.
I would add... 9 Buy some crypto! 🤣
Oh, I forgot that. I would recommend buy some Eth.
Is this your own text ? And please you need to source the video in the blog. Sourcing is very important, that way it’s beneficial to the writer or vlogger aswell
Source is below the video
Great that you put it in