“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.” ― John Joseph Powell
A few posts I have stumbled across recently, really got my mind reeling and my emotions churning! - No, not in a negative way, but rather in a compassionate and even more so, passionate manner.
Whether it is ultimately of any use or not, I decided that I would like to attempt an extension of support and hopefully a little inspiration – not only to the peoples posts I read, but to myself too. It is NEVER a bad time to inspire yourself. This kind of post however, is not going to resonate with everyone, but this is of no consequence because if it reaches only one - I will be happy.
We all wake up in the morning and we go about our daily business. We brush our teeth, get dressed and at some point - stare at ourselves in the mirror. This is a pivotal point in everyone’s day (admitted it or not) - however, the reaction/response will differ greatly from person to person. Let’s say for instance that you are particularly confident and comfortable with yourself... your morning mirror experience would probably be quite a confidence boost. You would see yourself in your suit and tie or your floral blouse and pin skirt and confirm to yourself that you are going to have and amazing day ahead and that you look and feel absolutely fabulous...
Well, imagine for one second, that you are PRECISELY the same person - dressed in EXACTLY the same attire, yet for some reason... you feel and think absolutely NOTHING positive about the way you look or the way you feel… Worse still – you DREAD stepping out your front door… having to put on that smile and make small talk with people who in all honesty just make you feel even worse about yourself – be it intentionally or unintentionally from their part… Everything you are ”required” to accomplish with the hours ahead of you seem so overwhelming that you struggle to even breathe. This is a reality for a lot more people than I think most of us realise. Do you imagine this would be a good puddle to stand in? No. I didn’t think so.
“Some friends don't understand this. They don't understand how desperate I am to have someone say, I love you and I support you just the way you are because you're wonderful just the way you are. They don't understand that I can't remember anyone ever saying that to me. I am so demanding and difficult for my friends because I want to crumble and fall apart before them so that they will love me even though I am no fun, lying in bed, crying all the time, not moving. Depression is all about If you loved me you would.” ― Elizabeth Wurtzel
I know how much I struggle at times to control my own emotions and mood swings, be they positive or negative and that boat alone is quite the steering challenge. I constantly have to slap myself in the face and rekindle the faith I have grown within myself over the years… remind myself that I AM in fact worth the effort, I CAN conquer whatever is placed in front of me and I AM up for the challenge – no matter what it is!
Honestly though, there have been days in my past when I would tell myself the above and I just really didn't believe it. Those were the days when I wished the ground would just swallow me up. Nothing can make you feel better on those days… it’s like a black hole of nothing-ness. Engagement on ANY level feels completely unattainable… like deeply inhaling for that breathe that you simply cannot reach… somehow you always fall short, and this makes your breathing shorter and the heart rate quicker – perpetuating the problem… around and around we go…
I am a FAR cry from perfect… (we all are) but I have learnt how to silence that demon… or at the very least ”control” it. How and Why? – Because I now believe that I deserve more than a dwindling existence that does nothing other than squash my true soul!!!!!!

I have literally TRAINED myself to be the positivity glutton that I am. Does anybody ever wonder “why” that is?! – Most likely not lol… but that is of no consequence. I know it works! YES I DO have my moments of weakness, but they are becoming fewer and far between… and that, to me is 50% of the battle won! I am exceptionally emotionally and energetically receptive too – which in many respects over and above my natural “mood” tendencies - does NOT do me any favours… although I will say that despite it’s “often negatives”, I would not trade that gift for ANYTHING in this world!!!!
Life does NOT always pan out quite the way you want, and I know this WELL!!!! But my primary message and purpose for this post is to say PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES… and look around you - or CLOSE THEM and look within you – It does NOT matter which one – just do the one which resonates more with you.
We have this ONE opportunity – this ONE life to sing our song!!!!!! Screw all the financial pressures! Screw your boss, Screw the mother in law that hates you, Screw the relationship that is killing you, Screw what other people think of you, Screw ANYTHING that prevents you from A) being HAPPY and B) BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF!!!! Remove ALL the concern you have for those details from your life and MARK MY WORDS you will begin to feel like a different person!!!!!!!!!
NO! It is NOT going to happen overnight – a little persistence is required at least… but I can assure you of one thing – ultimately…. That little bit of initial persistence, perpetuated… will carry you a LOT further than you EVER believed possible!!! NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!!!
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Your post made me sob my eyes out. I literally couldn't stop crying..I'm at a point in my life where reassurances are the only thing keeping me alive. Thank you so much for writing this.
I am really glad that it resonated with you on such a level, but I do hope that it had a positive end result... in terms of the tears xxx
I came across this post &, my friend, I can relate to a lot of this. As positive as I am & a fierce lover of life, I even have my moments. We all do. But this truly is a beautiful gift we have - life. It's come as you are & in my spiritual journey, I have learned just being is enough. You are enough.
Thank you so much for writing this. I am also an empath & felt the raw emotion that went into this post. So many people will benefit from these words because they will realize they are not alone. There is no separation, only connection. We just have to remember that & tap in.
Although we may not know each other very well, I love you & my heart is with you. 🤗💕 Have a beautiful week! 🧚✨
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Thank you for such a beautiful comment @pixiepost! It is always wonderful when what you write, speaks loudly to others.
I have always been and remain my own worst critic. People are always telling me
How great or talented I am (and they are correct) but inside, somehow I have a
Hard time accepting it, so I am forever alone, forever unhappy and angry.
I am also, however, a work in progress. I will become.Powerful stuff there @jaynie, got me rolling.!
I think this goes for many - myself included.
...and that is the only part we need focus on xxx
Although I feel your post is addressed especially to women it is obvious that your urge is valid for everyone. The idea of training yourself to be positive, I hope I got it right, of course it is relevant and I think it works. But I prefer my insecurity, even if it is unproductive.
Oh yes, this is definitely applicable to everyone! - but as they also say... each to their own!
Heartfelt and right on point as so many of your posts are!
Thank you love! xxx
Philosophical queation...
What happens if the thing that makes you true to yourself, also makes you unhappy? (the martyr complex, kinda thing?)
I would have to say that if that is the case... then whilst you may think you are being true to yourself, you actually aren't and that will no doubt make itself apparent eventually.
ah, but that's not a argument.
No other person can possibly know another persons reality, or what another persons 'being true to oneself' is .
Happy is a subjective state, and you can;t know what happiness is, in another.
You can only judge it by using your own internal compass.
(tears off your yogi robe, drops microphone and walks off with an air of self righteousness. lol)
hahaha - I was not assuming to know anybody else's reality - I was offering my opinion, which you asked for and have now received. Do with it what you will - or don't, whichever feels true to yourself :D
and, well... I wasn't looking for an argument ;) LOL!
...Walks back with head bowed , picks up mike, and re-dresses you, mumbling 'that's not an argument' doesn't mean that you're looking for argument'....
Of which I am well aware. it is called humour and wit...
I wouldn't know about those pesky things...
oo oo hey @marktwaing any bananas here ? ah shes nice i like her words too :))))) cya gotta find dem bananas gettin hungry :)))))
ptooey! hey @worksforpeanuts not again so wheres dem bananers @monkeyshit !!... i do like her energy sounds like she must drink a lotta beer ::))))) maybe she could be my life coach :)))))
Wine has always been my preference actually ;)
not again ptooptoo! no bananas guys!! there you go again making pretty face @marktwaing and yes she writes her thoughts into a beautiful tale :)))) nice lady ...
Thanks ;)
haha cute! Thanks @marktwaing - appreciate the love!
I love reading inspiring posts! In fact, I recommend it to everyone. One or two a day will make a whole world of difference. Thank you for this! ^_^
It really would make a great difference ;) Thanks for stopping by xxx
Thank You @jaynie 💖💖
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Being positive is a tough job. You can't choose to sit and cry. But we sometimes need to breathe to roll on in the future. That's what I believe too. You are doing fantastic, just take a deep breath.
Very true!
Wise words as ever. We do shape our experience with how we think and act
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