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RE: Thailand desperately searching for English teachers

Generally I feel teaching jobs hardly pays a lot worldwide. I was a literature in English teacher to high school students and the condition somehow resembles the one in Nigeria here. They might find these new teachers in countries with worse pay in their countries


They may have to eventually do that. They have already started with Filipinos who will work for considerably less money than a European will.

It's quite a pathetic situation really, I don't see Thailand as a having a Terrible economy really, and for them to resort to this tactics to get teachers shows something is wrong

well the point was really that I don't think they will be able to get the teachers. In the press release it as just stated that financing has been earmarked for the expenses. It didn't indicate how much has been set aside and really, if they think they are going to double their teacher workforce while still having rather draconian systems in place as far as how those teachers are treated once they are around, I don't see any way that it could succeed.

I know I wouldn't go back to teaching even if the salary I made before was doubled. The problem isn't the money, it's the conditions of the job once you have it and how much BS is associated with keeping the job, even if you don't really want it / like it.

Other than the ones who work at private schools with very nice salaries, I don't know a single teacher in Thailand that is happy with their job. Which is sad.

Other than the ones who work at private schools with very nice salaries, I don't know a single teacher in Thailand that is happy with their job. Which is sad.

This is terribly sad by all means. The situation in our private school is poor but the ones in our public school dines like kings really, this makes me compares the contrast here. I wouldn't want to work in Thailand though with all the conditions