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RE: Walk with me - a sunny day in Aarau

Oh I'm so very glad! I have never had any problems after having dental work like that done either and I was so hopeful it would be the same for you. I know some people have difficulties it sounds like you're doing all the things that you need to do to be taking care of yourself. And I very sure that you will be just fine!


Thank you so much! I on the other hand had horrible procedures and a lot of pain in the past and this is why I was so scared. I'm so thankful that you were thinking about me.. I'm sure that positive thoughts and wishes of other people help too! :)

My daughter is at the dentist right now having a root canal done. I really dislike going to the dentist. I am putting off making an appointment for myself until the weather is more dependable and it's not so painful to have to go out of the house!

Oh, I hope that it all went good for your daughter. That one is painful too!

I do go there on a regular basis to avoid any issues. I try to do the cleaning every 6 months and they do the scan every 2 years..

She did OK with the first part, and now has to go back next month to have it completed.
The funny part was that she and the dentist figured out that they had a family connection a couple generations back and they spent a lot of the appointment trying to figure out what their genealogical relationship is! I kept getting texts asking what different family members children's names were and what I remembered about different people. It seemed to work at keeping her distracted from the procedures, though!

At least she had some distraction and the whole procedure was easier for her :) And did they realized what kind of relationship there is? I guess that then you are related to him too in some way :)

His father's sister married one of my husband's cousins. Haha! I'm not even going to attempt to figure out that relationship for her!