... supposed to be her artistic impression of an orgasm.
Haha yea that's what I've heard as well and you're right... it does look like she's got a few demons just waiting to come out... (for want of better terminology)...
So Ol' Boy ... I'll put you down for a TOAST, n'est pas?
Count me in - it won't be tomorrow though. No sooner has one plate been successfully taken off its spinning stick, another 2 magically appear, already wobbling atop like some inebriated monkey.
BTW, thanks for that great comment on @savagekathryn's post. It meant a lot. It occurs to me that she's got a problem, though: She can't comment during the day while the comments are fresh ... she's at school. More juggling.
I think (one of) the (many) problem(s) she'll have on the platform may well lie with RC - see if we can get some delegations to keep her able to post. Also, is there an antidote for "botamide" going around? Might be good to administer that pronto :)