You're doing a necessary job and one that is often thankless. (Thank you, btw.) But do understand the limitations of computer databases to ferret out plagiarism.@wales is one of the most creative writers (thinkers) one is ever likely to encounter.
Computer algorithms designed to identify plagiarism work by finding statistically significant patterns. But when it comes to art, false positives are all but guaranteed. Why? Because there are certain themes which are so universal in nature that they will inevitably be addressed by a whole host of creative artists. Sooner or latter, those artists are going to start stepping on each other's toes.
Search, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
This maxim is so basic to universal moral thinking that it has been independently discovered, and expressed in near verbatim terms, by countless religions and philosophers throughout history. No one was plagiarizing.
we don't plagiarize because we are way too arrogant to do so. We create art because we are convinced we know something that the world doesn't know, but ought to. (Sorry for finishing that sentence with a preposition but it didn't work otherwise.)People like myself, @wales and other members of PHC don't plagiarize simply because it's against the rules,
There's no easy solution but I would counsel considering the reputation of the people involved. Nevermind rep scores as those are effected by variables having nothing to do with honor. Create a database of authors ranked by their creative originality. How exactly? I don't know ... be creative. :-)
Did you read my response? I never once accused him and provided the only one interaction I had with him where I answered a question of his and provided proof as much.