I can empathize to no end @goldendawne. It is not fair to have to fight the fight when you have so much on your plate. But, you have to take a strong stance & dig deep. I completely get it. I live it too. Don't give up girl. You're here for a reason. HUGS <3
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Yes.. I am not taking the insurance aspect lying down. We pay.. and pay.. and pay premiums for this reason. It just infuriates me when they (the insurance company) says... oh no.. we're done paying and we won't be paying for most of it.
WTH! I know this is common practice for them, but really?
Oh man, I won't even get started on the issues with insurance. I was fired (from a shitty job I had for a lady that claimed she wanted to be my my friend) at 5:55am (my shift started at 6) by a bullyminded ex RCMP officer (her husband). SOOOO rudely. Because I became emotionally/ mentally unable to teach a yoga class the day it was my two year anniversary of my MVA. This is the date that benefits stop, and I had to speak with the insurance agent which was immensely triggering (I am sure you understand). My boss at the time just failed to ignore my text and calls (set me up) and unfortunately none of the 10 ppl I contacted to sub the class could help. I know I need to let it go but it is so frustrating. She even told me to my face that she had my back and would understand if I ever had to cancel a class which never ever did before that one. I called each student that might have attended in person to let them know class was cancelled. Then, after my most recent accident in August, my mom overheard my conversation with insurance and told me she was ashamed I was her child with how I was speaking to them. Obviously she has never had to deal with them. I feel for ya. One day this will all be in the past. Though we both know the physical pain will likely remind us for life <3