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RE: Ticked off Smasssh (sort of)

in #powerup5 years ago

You are screaming into an abyss, and the abyss simply wants more.
Nothing has changed, the same stake holders control the majority of stake, getting rid of a few helped, but it didn't take the noose off our necks.

'They' refuse to take the time to find small accounts to vote up, and not spammers, so that we attract newbs, it is simply less resource intensive, and financially beneficial, to circle jerk the same ~50 accounts day after day.

In their defense, they are mostly busy coding/enabling new stuff, some of it for us.

The game got even longer because of the fork.
Efficiency changes are only sexy to the devs, but essential to the rest of us, too.
I'm waiting to see what happens once smteees!® comes out of the hat.
By then the code should float on its own, no devs needed.

Fork out the greed, and move forward on the original promise of the tech, iyam.