The first pow wow I have been to was last year. The opening ceremony had me in tears. The strength and the beauty was phenomenal. My daughter at the time was almost 2 and she tuned into it like if was always part of her. Dancing in ways I never seen her move and it seemed like she was one of the ceremony dancers too yet she wasn't even looking at them. She was one with the drum and song it would seem.
I had a great experience with a medicine man which also had me in tears.
I want to go back this year so bad but I will be missing it because of a wedding cake I have to make. Hoping that time will be on my side and I can go. I really do not want to miss it.
Thank you for sharing these photo's. It has brought back the memories I hold as though it was yesterday.
The best comment ever @foxyspirit I felt it too. Such a wonderful experience for everyone. I will be posting more photos. I have so many. :)
Oh I would love to see them! I didn't take any pictures last year as I didn't want to disrespect anyone and so many people were already taking tons! If I go this year perhaps I will. My tobacco didn't grow much so I will have to buy some to offer. I wont feel as bad when asking :p
mine was a special deal as I am into photography this link talks about it and you will see a portrait I did of a cute