Wow... This is a benevolent initiative indeed
@anazwahsdarb i read your comment on sweetjjj comment section and was really impressed with what you said.
And now you have come up with this as your way of paying back to the community .
Kudos Sir... Am trully looking up to learning alot from your and your colleague.
Thanks for this platform...
You have trully changed my thinking after i read other post..
I realised everyone can make it to the top as well with a bit of focus and sincerity. And utmostly coming back to say thank you to those that inspire them to the top.
You were impressed with what I said to her? I appreciate that man.
Nothing can overcome hard work, but nothing can outdo the assistance, guidance and support that she gave me either :) It would be selfish of me not to commend her for the lady she is :)
I want to be that example to others. To show that it is of course all possible. You can make this work! I believe in you :)
Yes man!! This post of yours is awesome. I definitely agree.
I think reputation is VERY important. It is able to edify you, and you can use this to your advantage with some leverage.
Keep up your great work ethic!
Thanks alot sir
To be honest i have learnt alot from you
right from the first day i read that comment. I was impressed and i had to go to your gallery of previous post and i was wowed by your uniqueness in content.
Hence my pattern of posting changed as well as i had to adopt some of the tips i saw you doing.
Here is a sample
Only my pleasure! I am happy to hear this :) I brought over the reaction from your post..
Loving what you are doing here my man :) I am so glad you are feeling inspired.
Keep up your hustle. You are going to so great! :) Upvoted your post :)
Thank you sir.... I feel truly honoured for your prompt response and customised the response in my name is as well a thrill for me